Ch 8

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I have a little inspiration to continue I lacked it. Read my other story if you like androids in the appocoplyse (it's good ;D)

    I slowly wake up from my much loved sleep to feel soft bedsheets and the familiar smell of my room. Wait a minute... Realization sets in as I frantically look around. Such movement caused my head to ache which spread through my body. Ultimately felt like I fell off a building. I looked at my phone and txts from my friend displayed in my notifications. Be ready in 15 minutes bc I'm comin to get you. This was sent about 5 minutes ago. I had 10 minutes. Still confused and kinda scared, I pulled on some clean jeans and a fitted green top. Next were my boots and then the brush to my rats nest hair. Maybe I should just chop it, I thought to myself.
      By the time I walked out the door with my bookbag, Jack was waiting on his motorcycle. "Glad to see ya again Kat!" I signed languages my confusion. "Sick for like ever. You were in a coma from a motorcycle wreck. Guess your forgot." I wrecked? I tried to remember such memories but none came to mind but I do remember Soundwave. Fond memories of my sleek intelegent con fluttered warmly through my mind but where was he. Everything in my room was the same, nothing taken.
    Jack clicked his fingers together, pulling me out of my reverie. "Let's go Kat, we got school." Oh yeah...
      I could not focuss at all. My history teacher wasn't helping either. His boring monotone voice was duller than an old butter knife. Was I really truly dreaming of everything? The warship, the ro-err decepticons? That's what they were called. "Kat when was the Elizabethan Era," asked the teacher. I signed 1558-1603. "Correct," he said distastefully. School was a long drag and felt forever.
The bell rung, signaling the release of everyone. Jack was kind enough to drop me off at my job and offered to pick me up after my shift was over.
    As I flip patties and deep fry the fries, I started second guessing myself. It had to have been just a dream. But still... What if it wasn't? I remember seeing him, humanish. His sleek light skin, dark hair, oh his touch... I snapped myself out of it. I can't start thinking of damn robot porn during my job the hell?
     It was the last 10 minutes of my shift when someone came in. I could hear their distinct voice from where I was in the kitchen. "I'd like a numero 1 with a Sprite and a side of Kat please." I could't help but smile. My manager allowed me to take the meal to him and sit with him. "How are you holding up," Jack asked. Concern was evident in his tone and body language. Pretty okay, I signed. He nodded. "You just seemed out of it today. I got worried." His words warmed my heart. I couldn't help but feel a little fuzzy and happy. I wrapped my arms around his torso as his wrapped around me. After he reluctantly let go and we returned to our seats, I signed that I was just trying to remember everything. He nodded in understanding. "Well if you want, you could crash at my place. My parents won't mind. They don't like the idea of you being home alone y'know." My dad, I signed. He must have taken care of me. "Still," he argued. I relented and agreed to his proposal. Could I get some thigs from my house, I asked. He replied with yes. After finishing his meal, we embarked on our trip to my house. I merely grabbed some clothes, my drawing book, my pillow, and charger. Before leaving, I opened my pad and saw sketches of Soundwave. My heart raced as my assumptions were true. He has to be real.
     Laying on the guest bed, I listened to music and replayed every memory I had of him. I didn't crash off the side of the road but what if he made it seem like I was? Why am I here? What happened to him? Thoughts and questions with possible answers swirled like a whirlpool in my mind. I heard a knock at my door and watched Jack's head pop out from behind. "Are you comfortable? Everything good?" I nodded with a smile. A sigh of relief exited his lips and he asked to come further in. I complied and he entered, shutting the door behind him and sitting in a nearby chair. He wore simple green shorts and a white T shirt while I just wore a giant faded red T shirt. "Just know I'm here for you... Hearing that you crashed, I was so mad at myself... If I could have protected you, that would have never happened." Jack was getting emotional and it made me feel bad. I couldn't tell him what actually happened but blaming himself wouldn't be good either. I stood up and grabbed his hand, turning it palm up. Don't blame yourself for something you do not cause. I'm sorry I scared you.... I started thinking about all the people who care for me and there's not a lot. Remembering this tid-bit of info made me kinda sad. I figured no one cares for me anyway. "I do! You are my bestest friend and I was devastated!" He took both my hands. "Don't scare me again Kat." I quickly nodded. He pulled me into a awkward positioned hug but whatever. As long as my friend feels better.
     It's midnight and my mind was still on Soundwave. Everything has to be real, I'm not going crazy... I hope.

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