Chapter 3

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(Sorry I was out of the country so couldn't update)

I landed and transformed onto the loading doc. I kept the human hidden as I made my way to the ER. The red head, Knockout was no where to be found. Perfect. I could perform my own experiments alone and without disruption. I sat the human on the metal table and she just stood in shock. She was realizing her kind wasn't the only ones.

The robots were HUGE! Definitely not American or Japanese or anything from this world. From the metal table, I noticed how small and fragile I was. Metal... Space metal should be way stronger than flesh and little bones. I could sneeze and fall to my death! I took a mental note not to sneeze near any edges that could spell my death. The large metal robot typed away at a computer and never moved his head. I tried walking away but a large tie thin would come out of his back and just stop me.
Escape is futile, I thought as I laid flat down. The robot kept typing and kept typing. It's been at it for a good 7 hours. I was beyond bored. Finally the robot turned towards me and just looked at me. Even if he had no eyes, I could sense he was studying me. His soulless visor sent wierd chills down my spine. As much as it felt uncomfortable, I couldn't help but like that he was paying me attention.

I studied the human and tried to figure her out. For the past 6 human hours, I have been looking up everything about her in hopes to give me a clue as to how she has Energon inside her veins. In searching for this information, I got sidetracked and was reading about the female body and it's functions. Our bodies were roughly the same. Even in terms of mating and producing young.
The human soon grew tired of looking up at me and averted her eyes in another direction. I felt that same pain in my spark chamber I had earlier. Stupid Spark what is up with you today? I again brushed off the pain and continued analyzing the human. When I saw her, her eyes glowed Energon and she was walking towards the cave that happened to have a vast amount of Energon deposits. When she saw me, her eyes dulled to its original color and she no longer knew what was happening. I interrupted whatever was happening. Thousands of unanswered questions whirled through my mind. What would happen if she reached the mine? How does she have Energon inside of her? Why is she so attractive? What? No! No! I deleted that question from my memory banks immediately.

I figured the robot was thinking so I did the same. I descided I shall study him as well. His entire body was slim and sleek. Also dark color. Stealth. His visor monitored what seemed to be soundwaves. His digits or fingers were sharp and long but I could tell they were not much used for fighting. His tentacles looked like USB cables in my opinion. Round ones. It hit me. Not literally because the metal tin can was still motionless. He is a spy or intelligence thing. He collects or stores information.
A giant filtering computer. And it seems his attention was on me. No doubt judging by the size of the computer next to me, he has collected all my information. Talk about a stalker. I looked at his sleek appearance and couldn't help but notice how similar our bodies are. Head, arms, legs, etc. maybe he even has a, no don't think like that! No I had robot dicks on my mind. Ew! I mentally cursed myself since I couldn't physically do so. But I had to admit, he had a nice body. For a robot of course. not in the attracted way. Or was it? Oh god I need professional help.

Author note: should I have of Soundwave's POV or Cat

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