Chapter 5: Mi Secreto es Tu Verdad

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The title translates to "My secret is your truth". I'm taking Spanish in school and thought I'd throw that in. Also, minor mistake in the last chapter in that I forgot to show Janice's perspective... this one will, and the next will have another flashback.

Miitopia belongs to Nintendo, enjoy!

Lazarus began with Bat Tornado, knocking the vampire beast off guard long enough for Akira to zap it with his lightning. Cadence followed suit with a hard SMACK of her frying pan. This stunned it and allowed Scarlette to attack using Punishing Pitchfork, which in turn let Ethan get a hit in with Explosion. Lillian also showed off her fighting skills by pinning the monster with her kunai and delivering mighty blows with her naginata. In no time, they had the vampire on the ropes, and Apollo dealt the final blow using Righteous Anger. 

Strangely, the next New Elite did not appear. "Hey, what's going on?" Jean-Luc demanded. "Is this place playing tricks on us?" 

Almost in response, the guardian's amulet emitted a bright light, reactivated. "The next New Elite, the one of darkness," said the spirit, "is already here!"

"They are?" everyone asked at once. 

"Scarlette, Lazarus, and Lillian... please step into the center of the room, next to the pedestal." 

Confused but also curious, the trio did just that. "Lillian, place your weapon into the pedestal." 

The ninja reverently placed her naginata, point down, into the pedestal, and the room filled with purple energy. "As I suspected," Harmoni said with a nod. "She was here the whole time." 

"What are you going on about?" Lillian demanded. 

"You are the New Elite of darkness," replied the guardian, "and once affiliated with Scarlette's tribe. When they all died out, they spared you from the same fate by erasing your memory of them... and of your true heritage. Eclipse is your direct ancestor." 

"He's my WHAT?" Lillian jumped when Eclipse's spirit touched her hand, and her eyes went wide as it came back to her. Her memories. Her true lineage. Her real power. 

All was quiet for a time. No one said a word. Finally, Lillian nodded. "I see," she said, before picking up her weapon and turning to the others. "If this is what I'm meant to do, then I suppose there is no going back." 

"Hold on one minute!" Akira held the guardian's amulet and gave it a stern look. "Where have you been all this time? We needed your help, and you abandoned us!"

"I'm afraid I am not who you think me to be," the guardian said after a long time. A glittering light shone from the amulet, and he appeared to the heroes in his true form. "I have told many lies... caused so much damage to this world. It's time you learned the truth." 

"The truth about what?" Akira asked. All eyes were now on the guardian, who sighed with a look of regret on his face. 

"The truth about me... and about The Eternal. And, by definition... Janice." 


Manor Macabre was eerie. Beyond a few chandeliers creaking or footsteps clicking on the hard floor, all was silent. Janice wandered around a bit, taking in the atmosphere of what was once the dwelling of an enemy. More specifically, The Eternal's enemy, the Elite. I still can't believe I'm back here again, her other half thought with a shudder. It seems like yesterday I was fighting the Elite, and now I'm here for a different reason. 

Remind me why we're here in the first place, Janice replied. 

We're here to test your ability with monsters. 

Oh, right. Do you have another one here for me to order around?

No, actually. We're going to see if you can create one.

I can do that?

With my help. Try it. Hold out your hand.

Janice did, and purple sparks began to form as she focused her senses on her task. Is that supposed to happen?

Yes. Now, think of a monster to summon. Anything at all. It's up to you.

Janice paused, and an idea came to her. Manor Macabre... the home of the Tribe of Darkness... Lazarus and Scarlette's former tribe... Lazarus... vampire...

A vampire appeared. Cloaked in black, with sharp fangs, pale skin, and glowing red eyes. Well done. You've created a monster. You're a fast learner, Janice.

Thank you... I think. So what do I tell it to do?

Same as last time. Tell it to wait for your friends... and not hurt them badly. 

Janice told it just that, and the beast slinked back into the shadows. Okay, that's done. Now, about my memories...

Yes, yes, I'll show you. But first, let me ask you this. When you first met that guardian, what was going through your head? What were you feeling when you heard his voice?

Well... I thought I'd met him before, but I didn't remember. His presence felt... comforting, like he was an old friend. 


Why do you ask?

Mm... nothing. It doesn't matter. Come, we have more to do. 

And now Janice can make monsters! Ironic. The guardian returns, with much to discuss with our heroes! Speaking of which, Lillian is the New Dark Elite! Told you she'd be important!

Anyway, next chapter will have a flashback, and the next destination for our heroes is some nice R&R at the Traveler's Hub! 

Peace out!

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