Back in Chapter 3...

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And so Mike took Sam back in time past chapters 23 and 21.

"Hmm. It used to be here somewhere" said Mike.

Just a bit farther back, Mike.

"Mucho obligado, mister narrator sir" said Mike.

Ha ha ha. You're welcome.

And so they arrived back at chapter 3 in which Sam organizes a very organized easter.

In her picture, she was wearing her favorite purple, pink, yellow and green dress.

"Why... would you look at that" said Sam.

In chapter 3, she was organizing crayons and Mike knocked them down.

"Hey look! I made a rainbow" said Mike.

"No you didn't! A rainbow goes like this. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. See? All of the colors are in their proper order" said Sam rearranging the crayons.

"Well, maybe this is a different kind of rainbow" sassed Mike crossing his arms.

"There's only one kind of rainbow, Mike. The right kind" said Sam.

Augustus was eating the jelly beans.

"Augustus! The jelly beans are for decorating! Not for eating!" Sam scolded.

She sighed in frustration and said "I have an idea. Since this is the Wiggles' first easter in the Wonka Factory, why don't you get our special guests while I stay here and make everything perfect?" 

"Yes ma'am, General Pan-cakes ma'am!" said Mike saluting. 

The other four kids left.

Outside the book...

"Why, it's flawless. Precise. It was an absolutely perfect easter. And why shouldn't it be? I was the easter mistress" said Sam.

"Of course you were, Pan-cakes! I mean it'd be kind of ridiculous to have an easter Teavee now wouldn't it?" said Mike.

"Yes, it would as a matter of fact" said Sam bluntly. 

Then she said happily "When I was the easter mistress, easter was a sheer delight. I created the plans, organized the schedule and everyone did exactly what I told them to do. I loved being the easter mistress" 

"Sounds like you do miss easter, huh?" said Mike.

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh, it's okay. We all miss it. Especially your husband. Come on. Let's give all the Wiggles an easter celebration. Huh? Come on, Sam-Sam" said Mike.

"Sam-Sam? Sam-Sam?! My name is Sam! And I most certainly do NOT miss easter!" Sam yelled.

"Aw, but look! You used to love being the easter mistress. You were the head woman in charge" said Mike.

"That's why I liked it. But I certainly don't like it anymore" said Sam pouting.

"But why?" 

"I had the Wiggles' first easter planned to perfection. Until YOU had to get involved"

"I remember it like it was only last year"

"It WAS only last year"

"It's all coming back to me now" said Mike

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