The Overprotective Broski - One-Shot

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{I created the picture above when there were only two or three parts in this book. I have improved since then but I still love this as for some reason I can sum up their relationship in this way. Anyway, this was asked by Redknifewasstolen, please give them a round of applause! Also, like the first request, Ink and Error are brothers. That's all I'm saying as you have to read this to get into it!

Please enjoy and the last request will be posted in a week or two! Also Warning(s): Strong Language, Misunderstandings, Chaos, Dependency, and etc.!!!! Also, sorry if I got several thing wrong in some speech styles!}


"-and this concludes the meeting of the Council. The next meeting will be held next Friday!"

Ink blinked as he realized that the meeting was finally over. He sighed in relief internally as he saw that it took only an hour unlike the annual two to three hours of the other meetings. Ink stretched slightly as he quickly got mobility back in his bones. He quickly started to teleport towards the Doodlesphere so he can teleport to his real home. He hated how long the meetings were as they kept him from his little E for too damn long.


"Yes, wait for a moment Ink!!!!"

Ink groaned internally as he cursed inaudibly. He just wanted to see his little E!!!!! Was that too much to ask!?!?!?!?!?

Ink looked back at Blue and Dream while giving a fake smile that nobody had found out was fake yet. Ink was a master actor so nobody really knew anything about him which was fantastic with him as he could protect his treasure more from everyone easily. Blue just stopped a few feet from him with Dream also stopping right by Blue. Both look a bit out of breath of which Ink just ignored easily. Ink may have some care for his friends but what Ink only truly cared for was his little treasure.

Hey, even though Ink had a soul he only cares for one thing and he would do everything to care for his little b.


"Y-Y-Yeah, you almost never hang out with us and I-we were wanting to hang out!"

Ink ignored the obvious yellow blush that grew on Dream's face while Blue gave hidden Lenny faces towards Dream. Ink knew Dream held a crush on him but Ink held no love or crush towards Dream. Dream was a good friend and that was it. Ink has tried to subtly tell the other that he was aromantic and asexual. Either Dream ignored it or never picked up on it as Dream still held a crush on him.

Ink put on a convincing act of him being exasperated as he gave a very convincing lie.

"Sorry guys!!!! But lately, the AU's have been getting weird bugs and glitches from time to time! Usually, they're not that bad and not needed to be worried over but they've been affecting the AU's heavily!!!! Some of them almost collapsed if I wasn't there!!!! So I can't really hang out unless I can see what causes these strange anomalies. Sorry guys but this will need my attention more until I can safely find the cause."

Ink quickly walked through the portal to act as if he was in a hurry(which he was but for something totally different) and closed the portal before a word can get to him. He sighed in relief as he quickly checked the AU's then quickly went to a secret door in the Doodlesphere that only he knew about.

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