She-Cat Next Door

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Read on to see Oreo's journey to find his new home near the lake, as well as his journey of emotions as he meets his new neighbor across the Thunderpath...

Oreo's POV

Chapter 1

"I'm so, so glad that you are staying, Oreo."

A large, throbbing purr was rising in my throat as I stared back at the warm hazel eyes that reflected my own. "Me too," I replied to the she-cat that I had the privilege of calling my own sister. "Which means that I had better see you soon!"

"Count on it," Lilypetal, this said sister of mine meowed, giving me a sharp nod.

As my tail began to lash back and forth with excitement, I opened my mouth in order to give a reply. But I quickly closed it, simply returning Lilypetal's nod. You darned piece of thistle-fluff! Her Clanmates are waiting for her, I reminded myself sadly, briefly glancing past my sister towards the three other wild cats watching patiently further down the hill, more hidden by the shadows of the forest's trees.

I then forced myself to finally turn around. She'll be nearby, Oreo... she'll be nearby! You can power through this...


I immediately stopped in my tracks, and turned back around at the sound of my sister's voice. Well, I suppose that I don't have to for the moment...

I glanced over my shoulder to see that Lilypetal was excitedly padding forward, stopping at a place where she was sure that I could hear her. "Maybe I'll bring my kits to meet you soon at your new home!"

With those absolutely fantastic words, I felt my ears perk up and my tail fit in the air. "I've been anxious to meet those little furballs!" I purred back to her. Although anxious is definitely an understatement!

I then shifted slightly so that I could lean forward and give Lilypetal a mockingly sharp look, an eyebrow raised. "Don't let me down."

I then had to try extremely hard to push down my tugging feelings of grief and sadness as I watched the brown tabby-and-white pelt of my sister finally turn around and pad away, her lean figure becoming smaller and smaller the deeper that she and her patrol went into the forest.

Good gosh... I thought, forcing myself to stand up and turn around, beginning to travel in the completely opposite direction once again. No matter how much time Lilypetal and I are given to speak to each other, it never, ever feels like enough!

It was all still so mind-blowing to me, considering Lilypetal and I had only met a few moons ago, but the realization that we were brother and sister; that we shared blood, had immediately caused us to become so close that we might as well have been littermates together.

And now, the two of us were practically tied-up together by unbreakable cobwebs, and I could definitively speak for both of us when I say that we felt fulfilled by something that we never even realized had been missing in the first place.

But the difficult part of it all was the fact that Lilypetal was a Clan cat, who lived out in the wild, and I was a kittypet who lived in the Twolegplace, and neither of us felt like we could fit in to each other's way of life. But still, knowing that Lilypetal was close to my housefolk's leaf-bare home sometimes gave me the tug to join her, and leave my housefolk behind so that I could be with her all of the time. Because at the time, not only was Lilypetal in ThunderClan, but... I then lowered my head, screwing my eyes shut as my heart seemed to sink. Mistpelt was also there as well, and I could've gotten to know her even more before...

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