Author's Note

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AHHHH! Victory! I have FINALLY finished this bonus scenes book!

First off, before I say anything else, I want to thank you all so much for supporting this book, and being so very patient with me as I became way less frequent with updating. After plowing through three full-length books just within a year and a half, it felt so strange to me to not update as often. But with life and so many college things happening, I just wasn't able to write as much as I would have liked to.

But I was SO thankful and excited whenever I was blessed with the time to! And more than that, my heart is filled with so much joy when I still see so many of you supporting this book and series despite my inconsistency. I'm so glad that so many of you are still so enthusiastic about this series and these characters. Seriously, thank you, and I still love doing this just as much, college is just a piece of poo (actually it's quite wonderful, it just keeps me from doing things like this!).

Anyway, as I was saying, I am so THRILLED that this book is finally done, and I am honestly so glad that I decided to create a book with this whole "bonus scene" concept, and it was actually REALLY nice and relieving for me to be able to fill in some empty spaces with my first arc, as well as set things up for the second one (hehehehe...).

I was seriously so enthusiastic and passionate about every single one of these bonus scenes, and I was so giddy writing and then publishing them, hehe! If you all had a favorite one, I definitely would love to know!

Hm... strangely, I feel like these author's notes at the end of my books are usually so sappy (well, it still was) and sad, because an era is ending, however, I'd argue that the end of this bonus scenes book is marking the beginning of a new era!!!! I very much emphasize the fact that this bonus scenes book helped set some things up for the second arc ;)

And as excited as I am for the second arc, I'm not getting to it just yet! I've mentioned this before on my "Conversations" tab, but I plan on editing and finishing Mistpelt's Story before I create any more content (because that may or may not also set some things up for the second arc, hehehe). But once that is done, TO THE SECOND ARC WE GO!!!

Okay, whew, I think that's all that I have to say. If you read all of this, I love you and you are a trooper.

Again, thank you - yes, YOU - for supporting me and my stories. I give you a virtual hug and a cookie.

And as always,

~ may StarClan light your path ~

- warriorcatlover345

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