Keeping Friends Closer

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Read on to watch the interaction between two cats, prior to the event that turned everything around...

Lilypaw's POV

My stomach was practically hurting from how much I was laughing as I watched the dark ginger pelt of Squirrelflight prance around me – her meows only coming out in squeals.

I then raised my eyebrows in surprise as she stopped, taking a deep breath. "Okay, you need to tell me again," the she-cat purred, sitting down and then scooting closer to me. "So, how did he approach you before he confessed? What do you think made him decide to finally confess?"

I shook my head slowly, actually having to catch my breath myself as I began to relay what had happened between Thornclaw and me just days ago. "Okay, well..." I murmured, cocking an eyebrow for a moment as I internally gathered details. "Him finally deciding to confess, well... I think it was the same thing that made me want to confess if he hadn't beaten me to it!"

I then purred once again as Squirrelflight let out a huff and rolled her green eyes. "Oh, yes – the accidental friend-zoning - heard about that."

I copied her, also giving a lash of my tail. "Yeah, yeah, my mistake – it worked out!" I jokingly dismissed. "When it comes to how he approached me before the confessing... he came into the medicine den after I had..."

I trailed off, giving another roll of my eyes and sighing. "...passed out after the eclipse battle..." I then muttered almost inaudibly, trying to ignore Squirrelflight's snickers as I did so.

But quickly, those feelings of contempt went away as I was brought back to the moment I currently was re-living, and my stomach felt as if it were hollowing out as I continued to describe it all to my friend. "And then he came up to me, gave me a mouse, and said that he'd hunted it for me."

Squirrelflight then squealed once again, her eyes widening. "For you?"

"No, he showed it to me and said that he had hunted it for Purdy!" I teased before purring with amusement. "Yes, for me!"

Squirrelflight then nearly jumped in the air as she let out another squeal. "This is too adorable and sweet for me to handle! Then what?"

I then found my ears growing hot as I went on. "Well, that was when he asked me if I had a moment to talk, took me out into the forest, and then told me that he loved me..." I purred softly, my heart pounding and my fur tingling as I looked shyly down at the ground – just as I already have countless amounts of times in the last few days... "And I told him that I loved him back."

I looked back up to see Squirrelflight's green eyes glowing with such genuine excitement for me, her tail lashing back and forth. "Aw, wow! Wow!" She exclaimed before brushing her tail against my shoulder. "Lilypaw, I am so, so happy for you!"

I gave the she-cat a nod. "Aw, thanks, Squirrelflight, really," I meowed warmly, returning her gesture. "I can only hope to have a relationship like you and Brambleclaw have."

I then looked over my shoulder, where Squirrelflight's mate happened to be sharing a meal with two of their kits – Lionpaw and Hollypaw. "You two seem so happy, really, and you have such beautiful and wonderful kits."

I was then surprised to look back at Squirrelflight, and actually catch her eyes briefly flashing with guilt. "Aw, thank you, Lily," she then replied in a strangely underwhelming way.

But nevertheless, I continued, hoping that I had just been looking too much into things. It's not new! "Of course! I'm only telling the truth," I went on enthusiastically. "Seriously, if Thornclaw and I ever decide to have kits, if they're half the cats that your kits have become, I'll be happy."

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