Mother Knows Best

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Read on to discover the motivation behind a certain tortoiseshell queen's fierce protection for her daughter, and against the cat her daughter was padding after...

Poppyfrost's POV

The sunlight leaked through the medicine den's bramble screen, warming my flank as I anxiously watched Jayfeather, the ThunderClan medicine cat, sniff at the small ginger bundle that was clinging to my fur.

I really hoped that I wasn't showing it, my mind was spiraling with fear and nerves, and heartbeats felt like entire seasons as I anxiously awaited the gray tabby tom's next words. Oh, StarClan, please... I prayed to my warrior ancestors as I pressed myself even closer to my daughter next to me. Cherrykit has already been in here for three days, and I don't know what I'll do if there has to be a fourth...

I then forced myself to break my gaze from my kit, nervously following Jayfeather's movement as he padded to the back of the medicine den. I quickly recognized the strong scent of catmint as he then walked up to sit in front of me and Cherrykit, holding out one of his paws.

The tom didn't even have to say a word. Cherrykit looked up at me, letting out a small, dejected yet determined sigh before licking up the plant, as she had already done many times up until this point. The poor thing... anyone could see that having whitecough and being stuck in this medicine den have definitely tested her spirits, but I can tell that she is trying her hardest to not let it get to her.

I slowly bent my head down to give Cherrykit a gentle lick on the head. "You've been so strong, Cherrykit," I purred softly to the little ginger she-cat as she swallowed the last of the catmint. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be clear of this whitecough in no time."

I heard my daughter let out another sigh as she nuzzled her smaller head into my fur. "Thanks, mother," she meowed to me, before proceeding to shake out her fur, stand up, and raise her chin high. "I know that I will; this silly cough is nothing! If I'm going to be a warrior someday, I'll need to learn to face a lot of difficult things!"

My heart growing with affection, and a purr rising in my throat, I bent my head down once again to rub my muzzle against Cherrykit's head. That's my brave, optimistic daughter... she seems to be braver than I am, sometimes, I realized, my heart seeming to sink as I stared down at her. She's right – she will face many difficult things as she grows up, but... I wish that she didn't have to endure even one as long as she lives.

I then followed my daughter's gaze as she seemed to be looking out towards the medicine den entrance, and the ThunderClan camp. I mean, I've thought that since Berrynose and I first found out that we were having kits at all.

I then let out a shaky sigh as I looked back down at Cherrykit. And I'm sure that neither Berrynose or me could bear to lose Cherrykit or Molekit... not after Honeyfern, I thought, having to screw my eyes shut in pain for just a moment as I remembered my sister, and Berrynose's first mate.

I then gently ran my tail along Cherrykit's flank as I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. I can't stand to see my kits in any sort of pain, let alone... go to StarClan like Honeyfern did, I thought worriedly. It won't happen. I won't let it happen. "What are you looking at, sweetheart?" I then whispered to Cherrykit, who was still seemed to be fixated on something beyond the medicine den. Her big amber eyes were sparkling against the sun rays, and her head was slightly tilted to the side.

And I couldn't help but let out a small purr of amusement as she flicked her ears in surprise, shaking her head quickly at the sound of my voice. "What was that?" she asked me, her gaze apologetic as she seemed to jerk herself back into focus.

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