Unlikely Friends

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Read on to see a little Lily encounter a very peculiar new friend...

Lily's POV

Chapter 1

I could already feel the warm rays of the sun falling onto my fur, sensing the brightness of a new morning before I even opened my eyes. I then felt my mouth open into a large yawn as I took a stretch in my large, cushy cat bed.

I then finally opened my eyes, the light from the window in front of me blinding me for just a moment before I was able to look beyond the glass, where I was able to see the house across from mine, and the bright morning sun rising just above it. Good morning to me! I exclaimed to myself, so thankful for the window I had just in front of my bed that stretched almost all the way down to the floor. There's nothing like being able to wake up and see the beautiful daylight in front of you!

It was always what woke me up, and I could never get enough of it. It's almost like getting to wake up outside, except I'm comfortable!

With another yawn, I then took a leap out of my bed, immediately making my way towards the kitchen where my food was already waiting for me. I stopped in front of my food bowl, holding my breath as I took the first bite of my cat food.

I couldn't help but let out a slight quiver as I swallowed. Mediocre, as usual.

Once I'd finished my meal, I bolted to the tall glass door in the next room over, quickly feeling my fur tingle with excitement as my gaze met the view of my large backyard.

I then tilted my head to the side, letting out a grunt as I narrowed my eyes. And... myself?

I backed up just a few pawsteps, realizing that I could just barely see my own reflection through the glass.

I flicked my ears in surprise, the last time I had looked at myself being a couple of months ago in a rain puddle. Goodness, I've definitely grown just a bit! I'm just a bit smaller than the fully grown she-cats. Well, I'll be darned...

I also was getting an opportunity to get a look at the collar that my housefolk had gotten for me just a few days ago. Looking at it now, I was immediately able to recognize the bright pink that was wrapped around my neck, and the little bell that hung down from it. Huh... so that's what that jingling noise was.

I then let out a satisfied grunt before shaking out my fur and finally pelting through my little cat door and out into the bright sun, soft green grass, and the refreshing outside air. There's nothing like it, and I manage to get more excited about it every single day!

To be honest, I was actually somewhat- no, very happy that I'd missed my housefolk this morning, and that they were likely still sleeping. I liked them just fine, but if I ran into them before my morning outside time, they typically grabbed me away from what I was doing and cuddled me for what felt like half the day, hence, delaying my outside time. Don't get me wrong, I love my cuddling, however... I thought to myself as I took a moment to lie down in the grass. I'd give up cuddling forever if it meant I got to make up for all of that lost time out here!

I then got back up onto my paws, made dirt behind some holly bushes, and then proceeded to go deeper into my yard, thanking some higher power that my housefolk also hadn't had the chance to cut the grass yet. I don't know why they think that short grass is beneficial in any way, I thought, slowing down my pace as I quietly lowered down into a crouch, feeling the grass brush against my flank. This makes it so much easier to hunt!

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