With a Cherry on Top

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Read on to witness a certain beloved she-cat's warrior ceremony...

Cherrypaw's POV

Chapter 1

"Cherrypaw, wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

I was jerked awake as violently as grass blown in a storm as I suddenly felt two paws shake me by the shoulders.

And the sound of my lovely mentor's voice yowl into my ear.

"Cherrypaw, you have to wake up!"

Still half-asleep, I let out a yawn and rolled over onto my belly quite frankly still trying to process consciousness as Goldenshine proceeded to shake me even harder. "Goldenshine..." I then moaned as my mouth opened up into a large yawn. "What in the name of StarClan are you doing?"

"What do you mean, 'what am I doing'?" Goldenshine exclaimed, and I opened my eyes fully to meet her surprisingly alarmed gray gaze. "The camp is on fire!"


I immediately jumped up onto my paws, the adrenaline rushing through my body, and all remains of grogginess disappearing as my mentor's words immediately set in. "Oh my goodness!" I then breathed before beginning to make a run for it. "Then we need to get out of here!"

My heart was pounding, and everything around me seemed to disappear as I was bracing myself for the horrible smell of smoke to flood through my nose, and images of a completely ash-filled and destroyed camp to stand in front of me.

But I was bewildered when I suddenly felt a tail wrap itself around my own, stopping me from going anywhere. "We don't need to do any of that," I then heard Goldenshine mutter from behind me.

I stopped in my tracks, looking back over my shoulder at the older she-cat. "Huh?"

I then blinked in surprise as Goldenshine let out a mrrow of laughter. "I was joking," she then purred, walking up to me and giving me a light nudge. "I just wanted to wake you up!"

For a moment, I could do nothing but blink a few times as I still tried to process life and its happenings. "...What?" I meowed breathily.

"I had to wake you up!"


"How long is this going to take?"

I then shook my head quickly, my head finally becoming fully sound as I actually gained full consciousness. "Great StarClan, Goldenshine!" I then meowed, nudging the she-cat right back as she continued to purr. "You can wake me up without telling me that the camp is on fire!"

I then scanned my eyes around the den, continuing to process all of the reasons why the camp most definitely hadn't been on fire in the first place - for one, almost every single apprentice was still in their nest, as calm as could be as they stared back at me, their eyes glowing with sympathy and humor. "Were you all in on this?" I couldn't help but ask my Clanmates.

Emberpaw stood up in her nest as she flashed me an apologetic look through her hazel eyes. "Mayyyyyybe a little..." she murmured, shuffling her paws back and forth.

Her brother, Wrenpaw, was already standing up in his nest, gathering up stray moss that was in his area. He then met me with his harsh pale blue gaze. "My sister forced me into it against my will."

"Sorry, Cherrypaw!" Lightningpaw then meowed, his eyes filled with genuine regret as he stretched out in his own nest. "I barely got a chance to stop her."

I then turned my head to my right, as I heard my brother, Molepaw, let out a snort. "To be honest," he then murmured, "I almost thought about waking you up in the same way."

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