Lovers to Enemies

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Read on to understand a certain WindClan tom's motivations behind his actions of love, as well as betrayal, selfishness, and pure evil...

Breezepelt's POV

Chapter 1

I nearly let out a hiss, gritting my teeth as a cold breeze brushed through the air, seeming to encapsulate every single piece of fur on my body as it also made the brown leaves above shiver and rub against each other.

I stood up from where I stood in WindClan's training hollow as I shook out my fur. Great StarClan, I thought as I scanned my eyes around the clearing, where Crowfeather, my father, as well as my Clanmate, Heathertail, and Boulderpaw and Furzepaw - our two apprentices - had settled come twilight. Although no one had directly said anything, I could tell that they were just as cold as I already was. We're nearly freezing our tails off, and it feels as if leaf-fall has only just arrived!

But I tried to push away my discomfort, trying to focus on Heathertail's sweet, yet assertive and commanding voice as she instructed our two apprentices on the proper hunting crouch. "Now, when you're down in a hunting crouch, remember," she went on as she gently pushed Furzepaw's shoulders down, "It's just as important to not be heard as it is not to be seen."

I shook out my fur a second time before stepping forward. "Exactly," I then meowed, picking off of the light brown tabby she-cat's words. I then did as Heathertail had done, putting my paws on Boulderpaw's shoulders to adjust his position. "You don't want your tail to brush against the ground, so make sure you keep it up high!"

I then felt myself having to suppress yet another hiss, but not from the cold this time.

Almost right after I had finished speaking, Crowfeather - who had come simply just to oversee our hunting session - let out a disapproving grunt. And with each pawstep he took towards me and Boulderpaw, I felt what seemed like a forest fire spread deeper and deeper throughout my entire pelt.

And his first words were practically a fog. "Well, not exactly," he muttered, stopping beside Boulderpaw as he began to raise one of his paws.

It never ends, does it? It never ends!

That's all that it took for the fire to spill out from my jaws, and I whipped myself around to meet Crowfeather's surprised, yet annoyed gaze. "What are you doing?" I hissed.

Crowfeather didn't move, but his blue eyes flashed with alarm for a moment. "Keep your fur on! I'm just trying to-"

I let out another hiss, batting his paw away from where he'd tried to lift it once again. "You're not trying to do anything," I then muttered through gritted teeth.

Crowfeather then let out an exasperated sigh as he rolled his eyes. "Breezepelt, I'm just trying to correct what you said, and I-"

I didn't let my father finish. Whatever he says won't matter anyway. It never goes in my favor. "And what gives you the right to do that?"

My ears then flicked with alarm as I recognized the sigh of Heathertail come from behind me, and I turned my head just slightly to see her tail anxiously twitching back and forth. "Breezepelt..."

But I ignored the she-cat, turning back to Crowfeather as he spoke again. I nearly took I step back as I realized that his muzzle was just about a mouse-length from mine. "I'm sorry," he then barked at me. "Who's been in this Clan longer?"

I then took a step back as he took a step towards me. "That doesn't matter!" I murmured before taking a step back towards him. "Back off, Crowfeather!"

This time, Crowfeather didn't return the gesture, and only stared back at me with dark, angry eyes. "What is wrong with you? You're making a spectacle for no reason."

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