Together Alone

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Read on to find out why a certain former kittypet, who eventually came to win the heart of one of Lilypetal's daughters, came to separate from his first love...

Dusty's POV

Chapter 1

It was dark, musty, and compact.

Old toys were scattered all over the place, their existence now having been forgotten since being knocked into this hiding spot. Crumbs were flitted around, practically being hugged by the carpet beneath my paws. A bunch of dust bunnies threatened to throw me into a hacking fit with each time that I inhaled.

But none of that mattered right now.

All that mattered was the tiny gray, plump creature that was just a few tail-lengths away, nibbling on a pellet.

One of my pellets.

I crouched down even lower from where I hid under the couch, holding my breath so that I didn't breath in one of the stupid dust bunnies, and braced myself to leap. Here we go... that little brat is going to regret taking my food!

Just a moment later, when I was sure the time was right, I let out a determined yowl and jumped out from under the piece of furniture, launching myself straight at the mouse.

I nearly wanted to cry out in triumph as I felt my paws almost immediately land on the creature, but I then had to hold back a growl of frustration as it quickly wriggled out of my grip, beginning to run towards the kitchen.

I stood up straight, letting out a grunt as I flicked my ears. "Aw, that's funny," I muttered just before breaking into a run once again. It thinks that we're done here!

Letting my adrenaline carry me forward, I pelted at full speed after the mouse. I tried with all of my might to keep my eye on the prize, swerving around tables and chairs, and leaping over boxes and bags. Come on, Dusty! I then picked up speed, even with the risk of having a slower reaction time to barriers. He was eating your pellet, he was eating your pellet...

I then felt my heart almost explode out of my chest, my teeth grinding together as I suddenly had to skid to a halt. I then screwed my eyes shut as I heard my pads squeak against the hard floor.

I then opened my eyes once again to see that I had just barely saved myself from crashing straight into a table leg. Whew...

I then yanked my attention back to the task at hand, but quickly felt my heart sink as I peered past the table to see that the darned mouse had run into its usual hole into the wall, and had disappeared.

With my pellet.

I couldn't help but let out a hiss as I pawed one of my toys to the side. "Aw, son of a duck!"

"Son of a duck?"

I was still staring bitterly at the spot that the mouse had vanished when my sister, Pippy, trotted towards me from deeper into the kitchen. Her head was tilted to the side, and her big green eyes were glowing with humor. "Isn't the son of a duck also a duck?"

Still not averting my gaze, I bent down to attempt to take a peek into the hole in the wall. "Hey, it's not my curse!"

After a few heartbeats, I finally stepped back and lifted my head to look at Pippy, who was staring right back me as she shook her head slowly. "Gee, you've been after that mouse for what feels like seasons now," she meowed to me in amazement. She then gestured to the cursed mouse's hiding spot with her tail. "Do you think you'll ever catch it before it flees into that little hole?"

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