•chapter 1•

405 18 8

TW: s3lf h@rm

Third person POV

"FUNDY! BREAKFAST IS READY" Phil yelled from downstairs.

"I'll BE DOWN IN A SECOND PHIL" Fundy yelled from his room.

Phil had made breakfast, it was 7.30 in the morning.


Fundy came down the stairs in an orange hoodie.

"Yo Phil. Have you maybe seen my jacket? You know the black one with the colours stripes on." Fundy asked Phil as Phil was doing the dishes.

"No, I haven't, not since dinner yesterday when you were wearing it, anyway I'm gonna be late for work soon so you can take away the breakfast?." Phil said.

"Yeah, sure I can take it all away.
Between we're is everyone?" Fundy asked Phil.

"Oh yeah your dad is in his room, Tommy is at a school camp for the coming two days and tubbo has already gone to school. Be sure you are not late for school Fundy I have to go now, love you. I'll be home by 5 pm" Phil said as he gave Fundy a fast hug and then he ran to the car.

Fundy watched his grandfather left the gravel path in his car.

Fundy went up to his room to bring his black school bag so he would be ready for another school day. He took a little piece of paper and wrote a note for his dad.

"If you want it is breakfast in the refrigerator.
//Fundy <3"

He went to his dad's messy room and peaked in, Wilbur was still sleeping.
Fundy left the little note on his bedside table where Wilburs phone was laying.

Time skip to when Fundy is home from school

"HELLO I'M HOME NOW" Fundy yelled as he stepped into the hallway and looked at the clock, it read 3.20 pm.

"Hello, Fundy!" Tubbo said as he walked down the wooden stairs with a smile.

"Wanna help me make some snacks?" Tubbo asked Fundy who had just gotten his shoes off.

"Yeah, sure! I'll just go to my room a bit fast." Fundy said as he started walking to his room.

•Fundy POV

I laid my bag in the corner of my bed as fast as I entered my room.

I took the slightly dirty hoodie of and trowed it across the room, it landed on my old chair that had my jacket on it.

"My jacket! There it is, I must have taken it off before I went to bed last night." I whispered to myself.

I had just grabbed the black jacket when someone knocked on my door.

"Fundy are you done soon? I'm down in the kitchen if you want something" it was tubbo, he had scared me.

I put the jacket on and went out to the small corridor upstairs and went to my dad's room.

"Dad, you awake?" I asked as I peeked my head in.

"Oh hello, Fait- Fundy. How has your day been? Did something fun happened in school today?" Dad said as he started looking thru some papers on his desk.

I was a little disappointed that he still said wrong I mean I have been out for over a year now.

"I-it has been alright. What have you done today?" I said as I enter his room and sat down on his bed.

He yawned before he stood up.
"I waked up a little while ago. Would you mind bringing me a cup of coffee maybe?" He walked over to his bookshelf and pulled out a notebook and walked back to his desk.
He rolled up his sleeves as he sat down.

"Dad? What happened?" I said as I stared at his left wrist, I knew exactly what he had done, but he didn't need to know that.
He didn't need to know that I was that dumb too, self-harm. I already knew he had done it before though.

He pulled his sleeves down as he realised what he was showing.
"Oh it's just happening some stuff right now Fundy, you don't need to worry.
Go and bring your dad a cup of coffee now" he said forcing me out of his room.

"Tubs you down there still?!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs.

"Yepp I'm in the kitchen Fundy!" Tubbo answered me.

"So what we're doing for " snack?" I asked Tubbo.

"I don't know. Sandwiches?" Tubbo said as I turned on the coffee machine.

"Why are you doing that? Fundy you don't even drink coffee" Tubbo said.

"Oh well Wilbur wanted some coffee"
I said to tubbo.

"Do we even have bread in this house?" Tubbo asked me while I was pouring coffee into the white mug.

"I'll walk up with this a bit fast, be right back"

"You didn't answer my question Fundy?"

"FUNDY?!" Tubbo yelled after me.

"Dad I'm coming in," I said as I was standing outside dads door.

"Come in fundy!" He shouted from the other side of the door.

I went in and left him the coffee cup that's when I saw it, he had a big scar on his neck that he tried to hide with a hoodie.

"Your so nice Fundy, thank you for bringing me coffee." He said slightly shaking.

I just ignored the scar for now, and I went downstairs to tubbo again.

"And no Tubbo I don't know if it exits bread in this house," I said as I pointed at the bag behind tubbo.

"Oh well," tubbo said and we both started laughing.

Time skip until 4.30 pm

We had made the sandwiches now and we just sat watching TV.

"Fundy what happened? Did someone do something at school?" Tubbo said as he pointed at my wrist.

I sat there in shock, my sleeve must-have slide up a bit.

Tubbo stared concerned at me.

I froze.

!975 words!
Well this is just the first chapter and it's not so good it will get better and more stuff will happen I promise!
Anyway hope u enjoyed :)

nd my English kinda sucks because it's not my first language so sorry if there is any spelling/ grammar mistakes :))

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