•chapther 3•

252 9 1

TW: s3lf h@rm, bl@des, Bl00d

•Fundy POV

The front door was opened by someone.

"UGH, IM BACK YOU GUYS" Tommy was home. 2 days earlier?

Was I supposed to go and say hi?

"What are you doing back here?" Phil asked Tommy, I could hear their conversation from my room.

"Well, the trip was cancelled, the teachers said it would be a big storm coming in and that we were not allowed to stay there," Tommy said to Phil.
I heard Tubbos door open.

"Tommy your back?" Tubbo said as he walked down the stairs in excitement.

"Well yeah sadly enough I am," Tommy said.

"If you want some dinner it's in the kitchen," Phil said to Tommy.

I heard Tommy walk up the stairs, he's steps were faster than the others.
Tubbo came after Tommy.

The hoodie I had used today we're hanging on the old desk chair. The blood from my scars was all over the upper left arm.

Tommy had his room next to mine so we would hear nearly everything that happened in our rooms.

I listened carefully to see if anyone was out in the hallway. Nobody was.
I run over to the bathroom to take the blade.
As I was on my way back Tommy opened his door before I had gotten to mine.
I was lucky that I had put on a hoodie before I left my room.

"Hello, Tommy!" I said to him as he stared me up and down.

"Are you okay Fundy? You're acting weirder than normal." He said.

Ugh, really that question now?
I was flickering with the little blade in my pocket.

"Can we maybe talk later, Toms?" I needed an excuse so I could go back into my room.

I started to walk towards my door before he answered.

"Wow, wow, wow stop there Fundy. What has happened?" He said and grabbed my left arm, it hurts, he grabbed it really hard.

I backed away from him.

"Fundy?" Tommy sounded worried this time.

I ran into my room and closed the door as fast as possible.

Tommy knocked on my door.

"Fundy? Can I come in, please?" Tommy said on the other side of the door.

Ugh not he also, why is everything going downhill today?

"Fundy I'll come in if you don't open the door," Tommy said.

"NO! Don't come in," I said grabbing my orange hoodie throwing it in the corner where he couldn't see it.

Tommy came in, the first thing he saw was me sitting on my bedroom floor crying.

"Fundy?" He said it and sounded worried and slightly sad.

He closed the door behind him when he stepped into my room.

"I- what happened?" Tommy asked me.

I didn't answer him, what was I supposed to say?

This is a shorter chapter, they will be longer but I didn't have any ideas to keep this chapter long.
Again srry if there are any grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language:)

Trans Fundy AngstWhere stories live. Discover now