•chapter 6•

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TW: bl00d, s3lf h@rm, t-slur, violence, car crash

Fundy POV

My nose was bleeding, it was lunchtime at school but I didn't want to eat.
Phil and Wilbur had their argument yesterday.
I still remember how sad dad looked when he sat there on the floor crying with all of his self-harm scars showing.

I was sitting in a corner behind the school, we were not allowed to be there because it was dangerous.
It was really easy to get there even if we were not allowed to, it was a bunch of good hiding spots there so the teachers couldn't find us.

I could barely stand up, the bullies had been on me before lunch.

Tommy had called me multiple times, he probably wonders where I was.

"Fundy?!" I heard a familiar voice scream in the distance, it was Tommy.

"Fundy?! It's not funny!" He kept screaming.

He knew I normally walked behind the school, but he didn't know where I was.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was probably Tommy calling me, I didn't even think about answering him.

I had gotten blood on my hoodie, the bullies had been hitting harder today. Or just one of them, it was John, he was the leader.

"FUNDY?!" Tommy shouted.

I heard him coming, he had gotten behind the school.

I knew he was gonna find me.

"Oh for god's sake, there you are," Tommy said as he saw me.

"What happend? Your bleeding Fundy," He said. He sounded worried.

I felt on my face, John had punched me so hard that I had started bleeding.

He sat down beside me.

"Was it John?" Tommy said.

I didn't answer him, my face was hurting.

"You didn't come to the lunch, why?" He asked me.

"It was John" I mumbled.

"Can I look? If your bleeding you need to clean the scars"

I looked over at Tommy, he looked so worried.

He looked me up and down for a bit

"Come with me Fundy, we need to get home," He said grabbing my hand and dragging me up from the ground.

"We can't just go home, we need to be in school," I mumbled.

"Fuck, your right, umm. If we go to the toilet and we clean you're face up a bit and then we both go to the teachers and say that we're feeling sick!"

"Really? Is that gonna work?"

"Of course it's gonna work, or maybe not."

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