•chapter 8•

212 12 8

TW: bl00d, s3lf h@rm, eating disorder, kn1fe

•techno POV

I heard how dad came into my apartment, he was meet by me sitting on the floor crying with a knife beside me.

"Oh God, how are you techno?" Dad asked me.

I didn't answer him. I sat in the hallway with my head in between my knees.

"Why did you ask me to come over tech?" Dad asked.

"I don't feel s-so well," I said, I was shaking, I had been cutting again.

"Have you been eating today?" Dad asked, he knew about my past eating disorder. Did he think I was back in that hole? Even though I was back in that hell hole.

"No" I answered him.

Dad gave off a sigh.

"Why so?"

"I don't know"

"You sure you don't know techno?"


He knew how to handle stuff like this, both I and Wilbur have had eating disorders before.

"How's it going at work?" He asked.
I worked in the local library.

"Good, I guess."

He sat down next to me as I looked up, he looked worried.

"We can go out and get some food if you want to," Dad said.

"I'm fine thank you though,"

"You wanna go and see the family sometime? I think they miss you,"


"Why just maybe?"

"I don't know, people. I'm tired of people you know"

"You have gotten kinda long hair, wanna get a haircut someday? I can ask Niki's mom to cut it if you want to,"

Niki's mom and Sally had worked together at a hair salon before Sally's mental health got worse, and before Sally died. Sally used to cut my hair, she cut everyone's hair in the family, it was her thing. I know Niki's mom also could cut hair but it was not the same.

Dad dragged a finger in my hair.

"When was the last time you showered? Your hair is kinda dirty." Dad said.

"Mhm I don't know"

He got up and walked to my kitchen, and started going tru my refrigerator.

"techno, you have to eat, you gotta understand that."

"Yeah I know"

"Do you want a sandwich?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Dad gave off a sigh.

He walked over to where I was sitting.

"Get up tech"

I got up.

"Go into the bathroom and just wait, okay?

"Sure dad"

What was he gonna do? Clean the cuts? I hated when he had to clean them, I know that's what you're supposed to do but it hurts.

He scrambled with some stuff in the kitchen until he entered the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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