•chapter 5•

304 14 4

TW: s3lf h@rm, bl00d, mention about
Mental hospital, car crash, screaming, arguing

•Fundy POV

It had gone a week since that walk, Tommy and I have barely talked since that day. I wonder If he told Phil.

It was 1.46 pm, Tuesday and I had locked myself in the school bathroom so that they wouldn't find me.

I could hear the bullies outside the bathroom looking for me.
I decided to text Tommy so I'll get something else to think about.

Big T :]


Big T :]

You still in school?
Or have u ended for today?

Big T :]
I'm still in school. Why?
Has something happend?

Do you have class now?

Big T :]
I have math in 18 min,
Was it something

Yeah kind of, would you mind
Helping me out a bit?

Big T :]
What has happened Fundg?

Can you go down to the cafeteria
And look if the bullies are there?

Big T :]
Uhh sure, Why?

I need to get away from
the toilets, I have a lesson

Big T :]
I can go and check, brb.

Big T :]
They're not here, it's safe to go out
Now :))

I opened the bathroom door and ran to Tommy and hugged him.

Tommy POV

Fundy hugged me, and I almost fell, he looked so happy.

"Thank you, Tommy!" Fundy said as I hugged him back.

"No problem. You good now?" I said.

"I'm good now!" He said and let go of the hug.

"Great!" I said. Fundy looked happy, it's like nothing was bad at all.

"FUCK! I gotta go, Tommy!" Fundy said and started running to the staircase.

"See you later Fundy!" I said.

"SEE YOU LATER TOMS!" Fundy screams from the stairs.

Niki came down from the stairs as Fundy disappeared to his next lesson.

"Hello, Tommy!" Niki said.

Trans Fundy AngstWhere stories live. Discover now