•chapter 4•

244 13 2

TW: s3lf h@rm, bl00d, t-slur

•Tommy POV

It was 6.55 in the morning.

Fundy never answered my questions yesterday, I'm still worried about him.

I didn't have to go to school today, because the trip got cancelled and the teachers didn't want us in school when we were not supposed to be there.

I could hear Phil and Tubbo talk in the kitchen.

I was still laying in bed, I haven't slept at all tonight.

"Phil, I think you should talk with Fundy," Tubbo said.

"Why so? Is it about that thing that happened at dinner yesterday? It could just have a good explanation." Phil said to Tubbo.

"Well yeah, but I don't think his mental health is so good. You know?" Tubbo said.

"What do you mean? Has something else happened?" Phil said.

What were they talking about? "It could just have a good explanation" what happened at dinner yesterday?
I saw some red stuff on a hoodie in Fundys room yesterday? Was it blood they were talking about?
Was I supposed to go down and say what happened yesterday?

"Well I think he's like his dad," Tubbo said.

"What do you mean?" Phil asked.

It went quiet.
They maybe went to another room or went outside to talk, so nobody would hear them.

Fundy texted me.

Fundy :)

Fundy :)
Do you awake Toms?

Yeah, why?

Fundy :)
Do you maybe wanna go
for a walk a bit fast?
I need some fresh air
before school.

Yeah, why not? :)

Fundy :)
Great :D

I could hear Fundy getting ready in his room, I wonder what actually happened yesterday. Was it good to talk about that on the walk?

I got out of bed and got ready for going out.

Me and Fundy opened our doors at the same time, he looked happy.

"Good morning Tommy!" Fundy said, he sounded so happy like nothing had happened yesterday.

"Good morning Fundy! Wanna go now? Or eat breakfast first?."
I said sounding as happy as he was so he wouldn't notice that I remembered what had happened.

"We go right now if you want to," Fundy said.

We went out and started walking to school even though I was not supposed to be there.

"Y-you aren't mad right?" Fundy said after we had walked a bit.

"Why would I be mad, has something happened?" I answered.

"Oh well never mind," He said.

"Tell me, please. Has something happend Fundy?" I said, I know something was wrong.

He was quiet, what was wrong? What was it I was missing?

"You know you can tell me anything right?" I said to Fundy.

"I umm, it's a little hard to explain," Fundy said.

What was I supposed to say? I wasn't good with feelings or anything like that.

"LOOK THERE'S THE TRANNY!" A voice from behind us screamed, Fundy eminently put his hood on, his black hoodie was filled with small dots. Had he been crying?

"HAHA AND FUCKING ADHD KID" It was a couple of boys, they were known as the bullies of the school.
We're they on fundy? I know they were bullying me but Fundy?

"You know them Fundy?" I asked him.

"Umm yeah, I kinda do." He said.

They were mean, not just some normal bullies these people were hitting and treatining other people.
They had gotten in trouble so many times but they still kept going.

"Are they on you?" Fundy asked me.

"Umm yeah I would say so," I said.

"Why are they on you? You're normal." Fundy said.

"Oh well, it's just because I have ADHD, you know," I said to Fundy.

The boys had gotten a bit before us so we were safe for a while.

"Are they on you too?" I asked.

"Yeah, they are," Fundy answered me.

Why hasn't he told me? I know I can't do anything about it. Is that why Fundy has been acting so weird?

I didn't answer Fundy, I didn't know what to say.

"Can I ask you something Fundy?" I said.

"I guess you can," he said.

"What was that red thing on your orange hoodie? You know the one who laid in the corner in your room?" I asked.

Fundy frozed, he just stopped. Did I say something dumb?

I stood in front of him, looking him up and down.

I could see a single tear fall from his eye when he slightly lifted his left sleeve.

I stood there in shock.

Just a reminder that is It is Tubbo or Fundy who is typing a message/ note my grammar/spelling mistakes has a point because their character in this story is dyslexic so the mistake was supposed to be there, oKaY?

Trans Fundy AngstWhere stories live. Discover now