Chapter Eight: I want to keep you with me forever

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Jungkook's Pov

I wake up from my slumber, again in the nurses' office with Taehyung sitting next to me.

"Jungkook, are you alright?" He grabbed my back and pushed me up to a sitting position. I strangely felt tired and dazed. I touched my face, feeling dried tires trickling along both sides of my face. My eyes fluttered as I was filled with confusion, "What happened?" I turned to face Taehyung as he wiped the tears from my face and held my hands once again, dominating them.

"You cried your eyes out. Pain suddenly swept over you, and you started crying. You didn't seem to be conscious though. "

"What exactly did I do?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed, looking up at him.

Taehyung grabbed my hand harder, "I can't remember."

"The colors," I looked around the room. "I can't see them."

"Decoloring happened. Don't you remember? " Taehyung replied, much to my confusion. "You need to see the colors on the headband. You don't want the image to fade away."

The headband? My mother's headband?

"Have I already experienced it?" Taehyung only answered with a nod.

"It's one of the phases of the mono experience, while adjusting to one's probe." The nurses piped in to our conversation as they walked in holding a folder. She continued, "The color rush gets extended, you forget what happened, you pass out a while later, and your subconscious can surface. Taehyung chimed in, "The fact that he's adjusting to the color rush is a good sign, right?" The nurse didn't answer and switched her attention to me. Se approached me and opened each of my eyes and looked into them as I looked down at the bed sheet underneath me. "Don't do it at school for the time being," she said as she glared at Taehyung. "We don't want him to wither away." Taehyung nodded and bowed at her as she left the room.

Taehyung and I left the nurses' office shortly after. He tapped my back as we walked along the hallway, the light from the window next to us shining in as we walked by. "I'm glad you're getting used to it," he patted my head. "You scared me a little back there, you know." I looked up at him in silence. What does it mean by that though? What does it mean that I'm getting used to it? Am I getting used to my probe? To Kim Taehyung? I looked away from him and stared out the window, "Jungkook..." I didn't answer him. I didn't want to. What comes after I get used to it then? Obsession, kidnapping, and murder. I felt Taehyung grab my wrist, "Jungkook, look at me please." I turned around, looking up as I faced him. We stared at each other in silence as he caressed my cheek, dragging his hand from my cheek. He ended the journey by stopping near the corner of my lips. He pulled his hand away, squinting his eyes as he smiled through the mask. "You should watch your face. You're still pretty with puffy eyes, but it's too obvious that you cried. "

Taehyung held my hand as he hugged me from behind. Snuggling his nose into the crook of my neck, making me feel his breath, sending a confused shiver down my spine. It rained heavily as we stood there, feeling each drop on our faces as we were at the front entrance of the school. His large hands dominated my small ones as his other arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest as my head hit it. I was caught off guard when I heard a slight sniffle from behind. It was Taehyung. He was crying. I'm the mono here. So why are you trying to keep me next to you?

"Kim Taehyung." I started, grabbing his attention as he lifted his head up. We both turned our heads at the same time, but only I looked at him. He didn't look at me. I continued, "Why are you crying when I'm the one who blacked out?" He sighed. "I thought something bad had happened to you earlier," he looked back at me while I looked away, "and I got scared."

"I get it, so let go of me."

"No! It's raining. Stay with us for a bit, please. "

I sighed, realizing just how much of a childish answer he gave me. "What does the rain have anything to do with anything Taehyung?" He didn't answer. I'm aware of it now.

The difference between what my brain logically wants, and what my heart desires.

I like being with my probe. I want to see colors.

"Do you wish to see the colors that I see?" Taehyung asked all of a sudden before going back to snuggling in the crook of my neck. "Yes." I quickly replied on instinct. After my reply, I looked back at him smiling at me, "Wait what?" Can he even tell what I'm thinking now? "Jungkook, look ahead." I did as told and looked forward to it. He snuggled in the crook of my neck as he whispered in my ear, "Being your probe means that the colors I know will become the colors you know."

"We'll be seeing the same colors." I looked back at him, "Then how you describe the ocean will be the color I'll learn." He nodded right away. "Yes, that's exactly how it'll be." I furrowed my eyebrows as I glared at him, "That's absurd."

But when I felt a moment of happiness, I saw the happiness draining out of my view. Loss.

Only having a moment of happiness, that leaves me all alone in a land of gray, terrifies me.

Could there be a way to let this go?

If only I could.

I pushed Taehyung back as I sprint forward into the rain, running as fast as I could. Taehyung ran after me as he grabbed my hand. I swatted his hand away and yelled at him. "Let go of me!" Taehyung snapped and grabbed my wrist, pulling me forward. "What's your problem?" I rested my body as rain drops trickled down my body and stared at him.

"It just crossed my mind that I want to keep you with me forever." 

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