The Diner

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"So what brings you all out here? Pretty long distance to travel away from your pack." I asked, cutting the bullshit. Just because Skylar couldn't tell who they were didn't mean that I couldn't. They smelled just like Skylar the first day Doc came home when the queen caught her. It's obvious that they're looking for her and now that they've found her, they're pretending as if they didn't know her.

"Well, she is our Alpha. It is our job to protect her."

"Bang up job you've all done with that."

"Michelle!" Doc warned. Snorting, I snuggled closer to him on the couch, reminding myself that I could only protect her for so long.

"Aw, you've created a bond. An infertile Vamp, imprinting on our memory deprived Alpha. So cute. Listen. You all can have her for now, she can barely remember us, doesn't even know that we're wolves. But believe me, once she gets her memory back, which she will, she'll hate you. You're the reason why she's lost her memory, the reason why she had to kill her mates father."

"So live it up while you can. Have fun with her, make memories while you can because they won't last long. At all." She picked up a picture, the only one that Skylar actually smiled in, and laughed. If Vlad hadn't been holding me, I would have killed her. Tried to at least. She came into my home, insulted me and thought I'd let her live.

"Is that the only reason you came? To tell us that we could keep her?" Vlad questioned, his grip tighter than before. He knew I was hurt, willing to hurt anything at the moment.

"The two of you are smart. We were going to trail you, wait for her to understand who you were but we've got our own problems." Her cocky smirk faded as her mate intertwined their fingers, her eyes sad.

"Your packs falling apart without her, huh? And you're calling me pathetic. You all can't stand on your own two feet. Without her you're just a bunch of lost d--"

"Enough!" His anger was present but I wasn't afraid nor was I stupid. Shutting my mouth, I let him finish up the conversation. "You're going to leave those two girls behind. Fine. Just leave. Don't mess with this family again because the next time I see you, I won't be so calm."

Smirking, the girl lead her mate to the door, making sure she left first, before closing the door behind her.

"What a royal bitch." I breathed out, watching the small smile spread across his face.

"You know we have to watch those girls, the ones with Sky. They obviously can't stand on their own, not for long at least."

"I know. I'm annoyed but I know."


We stopped at a diner, the pair of them saying collectively zero words. The only thing heard was the purr of the engine driving through the eerily perfect neighborhood. There were no signs of violence or danger or anything that would make it resemble any other neighborhood. Even the adjacent neighborhoods had clean records, apart from the murders, which didn't fit in this place at all. Maybe some shady parts of Chicago or New York but not here. It's like their worst neighborhood was better than most perfect places. It was all strange.

And, on top of the eerie exterior, the people talked and word traveled faster than hell. When we arrived at the diner the chattering was already happening. "Have you seen those two families that've just moved in?....without a father...swore at Dan! What a disgrace..." It all got old. They had it out for us and they hadn't even spoken to us. Word of mouth would be the death of me.

I found us a booth farther in the back, free of chatter and nosy bystanders. Our waitress, a woman no older than twenty-five with eyes that held years of sleepless nights, waited on us patiently, not seeming to care about what the others said about us. Her chocolate hair hung loosely in a pony tail, free strands hanging freely around her round face. Her smile was the brightest thing about her, masking her pain after what seems like years of practice of hiding it. She smelled of sweet honey and an unidentifiable earthy scent that made my scenes tingle. Smiling, she took our order and scurried back to the kitchen, ripping off and handing our order to the chef so that she could wait on the next table.

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