Untitled XVI

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She was gone. I felt it before I had even awoken but it was a feeling that I had grown far too accustomed to. It had easily been months since we shared the same bed and the night that we finally got together, that I finally got to have her to myself, we shared it with her other lover. The one that I couldn't compete with. Thinking about it left a bitter taste in my mouth but, I couldn't help it. I had spent days fantasizing about being with her again, feeling her warm body in my arms as we slept together but instead I was left with this... girl. This human girl that felt the exact same way as myself and I was positive that it made me hate her more. How could a human be better than me? 

In one way or another, we were alike; We both lost our mate to the selfish desire of someone else, we both hated one another because we couldn't be the only person that she loved and we envied each other because of the effects we had on her. I knew that I shouldn't hate her because we were so alike but I was possessive and she had a large part of what belonged to me and I wouldn't stand it.

Opening my eyes, I came face to face with the other girl of Skylar's dreams and I distanced myself from her. It was weird how close we were and how my body hadn't reacted to the girl tangled in my arms. She reeked of Skylar, making holding her unimaginably easier in the dark room. Holding her was easy, her body weighting next to nothing and, to my surprise, she smelt nice, a weird mixture of fruit that smelt oddly amazing together. It wasn't just her mixed in with Skylar but her own scent was interesting too. I still couldn't tell if I liked her or not but, I knew I was jealous.

She barely had to try to get Skylar's attention and I was bending over backwards just to get her to come home to me. I wanted to hate the girl but I knew that it wasn't her fault. I'm pretty sure that she didn't want to get involved more in this life than she had to but, with her luck, she was smack dab in the middle. She was a hunter. She was raised to kill creatures like Skylar, like me. I knew it had to be difficult for her to convince herself that we were beautiful when she was trained to see the ugliness in us. 

Whining a little, she shuddered and clung to me, cuddling further into my chest as she lightly gripped my hoodie. Sleep still controlled her actions, making it possible for us to stay like this. I should have moved but I was weirdly attracted to it. I had always cuddled into Skylar, feeling safe and protected in her arms but the roles were reversed; this human found some sanction in my hold, and I liked it.

Maybe it was the Alpha in me that was suppressed by Skylar's dominance but I wouldn't deny my wolf the feeling. I wasn't sure how long I held her, thinking about how someone like her was able to capture Sky's attention. She was gorgeous and smart, but that was as far as it went. She wasn't a supernatural or a legacy of anything; just an abandoned child that needed help.

But that wouldn't set her that far off from Skylar. Although she had a home to go to, she was always the outcast of the group. Everyone feared her, making her childhood one that no one deserved, so maybe that was where the pity blossomed, because she could identify with her so well. Other than that, the girl was as useful as a sack of wind.

Sun light began to spill in through the open window, reminding me that I would have to let her go and go about my day, trying my hardest to avoid her. It was a plan that I knew Skylar would disprove of but handling her when she was sleeping was a thousand times easier than when she was awake.

I didn't know if she was afraid of me or hated me or felt threatened by me but I didn't want to find out. I wanted to just live with her without the contact. It was childish to live that way, and near impossible, but I would still try. Having the illusion of the perfect life was better than facing reality.

When she started stirring in my arms, I released her, unsure of how she would react if she woke up to my face instead of Skylar's. Sitting up, I raked my fingers through my hair, hearing as she released a slight yawn, resting against the headboard and studying me. I didn't have to look at her to feel her eyes glued on my back, but it made me uncomfortable. I hated being the center of attention and with just the two of us in this dark room, I was all that she had to acknowledge.

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