Untitled VII

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The car ride was awkward, to say the least. She didn't utter a word. Nothing. She just sat there, trembling and looking at me through the rear view mirror, but what exactly did I expect her to say? I left her. I decided if we were going to stay in a relationship, not even giving her a choice in the matter. I left her years ago, making her believe that I was going off to be with Zoey, but here I was with another woman that had my scent all over her. And that wasn't even the best part. I also finished off the night by hopping out of a second story window, covered in fucking blood and saliva of two different dead creatures. Then, I gave her no choice in the matter, again, and hauled her into my truck, not even uttering a word. It also didn't help that I left her in the alley while I had my fun torturing a defenseless man.

Heaving a heavy sigh, I pulled into Roxy's drive way, killing the engine before stepping out of the truck and walking over to Havana's door, opening it slowly before letting her climb out on her own, those golden eyes refusing to acknowledge me. Shutting the door, I let her follow Roxy into the house while I took a chance to finally breathe. All of the guilt nearly drowned me as I wallowed in the years of pent  up aggression.

How had I managed to not see this? I made sure that she was safe before going in, making sure that her heart rate was steady and relaxed, but I couldn't even keep her out of a fucking smelly bar filled with some of the vilest creatures. How had she even end up there?

It was supposed to be an in-kill-him-and-out mission, but that was ruined the second I saw her. She wasn't supposed to be there and I wasn't supposed to bring her home. I sure as hell wasn't supposed to be this vulnerable to her. Not around Roxy, not when I was just proving my worth. I had to ensure her that I was fine but I was slowly falling apart just from thinking about her. Why was she there?! Millions of scenarios raced through my cloudy and confused mind, not helping my anxiety. Why was I so nervous?  

Groaning, I pushed off the bumper of my truck, my hand getting lost in my hair as I tried to calm my sporadic emotions. Making my way into the house, I greeted the twins before deciding to face my fears. It didn't take long to locate her, that familiar intoxicating scent lead me straight to her room. Ropes bound her to a chair, courtesy of Roxy, and she was seething.

Fuck.Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Pulling up a chair, I sat in front of her, giving a sheepish smile before I let my numb fingers untie her, knowing that whatever pain she delivered would only be 1/100 of what I truly deserved. Like promised, it wasn't long before I tasted the familiar metallic liquid on my tongue, making me smile from her sudden outrage. I couldn't be shocked, I hadn't seen her in two years and I didn't expect her to be the Havana that I left behind. The girl that loved me and would listen to my every beck and call; she was gone. Raising my hand, stopping the twins from intervening, I warned them not to come any closer. Glancing behind me, I caught their confused expressions before telling them to leave the room. They held me just as highly as they did Roxy and, seeing her hit me, I knew they wanted to reprimand her; teach her where they thought she belonged, but I knew I couldn't let that happen. She was....

Again, I looked weak in their eyes. Showing mercy was never a good thing. Not to them.

They finally gave in, glaring at Havana's stone- faced facade before leaving us alone in the empty room. Trailing my eyes up to her, those beautiful orbs filled with an indescribable amount of rage, I couldn't help the smile that plagued my face. Wiping away the blood, I realized that it was the most I had smiled in the last few years, but nothing about it was happy. Crossing her arms over her chest, she continued with her defiant charade, looking at everything but me. I couldn't blame her. Twice. I left her alone, without anyone to depend on twice. What did I expect?

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