Who am I?

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The queen strolled over stiff corpses, mutilated bodies, kicking some if they blocked her path. Her eyes, emotionless, took in the scene around her, appalled that it hadn't been cleaned up by now. Blood stained the walls, maintenance working effortlessly to scrub away the mess. Bleach and death burned their noses with every breath but they continued working. If they stopped, she'd make sure they never worked again. Her eyes burned into the backs of their skulls, daring them to slip up.

Her staff, those that survived, lined up against a wall, the door broken and bloodied. They faced that same wall, inches away from the dried blood that the maintenance crew hadn't yet reached. Fear crawled down their spines, curling her long fingers around each vertebra the longer their Queen watched them, enraged that this happened; that she escaped.

"One girl. One half dead, drugged, weakened, defenseless, memory escaped girl did this to you all." She stated, as if saying it aloud would help her mind process the impossible. She had lost sixty men in a single day, the creatures that were freed had escaped, gone without a trace. Those were the least of her troubles though, they would eventually die or kill themselves from insanity but her precious Rose was gone. That was the biggest blow of all. Not the death of her Clan members, or the escaped subjects, or the damage and months of repair to her facility. Losing Skylar was the death of her.

"Why should I let you live when you couldn't even stop a girl, bones mainly, from freeing herself of her own poison, hobbling, no, dragging herself to the center lab, where all of you should have been might I add, and pressing the emergency release button. Why should I let stupidity live, hmm?"

Her daunting question hung in the thickness of the air, reaching each victim and eliciting a variety of reactions. So many times had they told her, reminded her that they hadn't seen the girl. It was a normal night, all monitors and cameras working fine, without any sign of the girl, until it actually happened.

"My Lady, we've told you, she just walked out. The cameras have them. We... We were out-numbered and, and- Ahhh!" His cry was gruesome, the blood on the wall now masked with a fresher scent of death. The Queen, her hand holding his heart, stood behind the dead man, arm still through his chest, as his eyes trailed to hers.

"Pl--Please my lady. I wo-would never..." His raspy voice died out as he choked on his own blood. Freeing her hand from his chest cavity, she watched as his body slumped to the ground, adding to the deceased. Wiping her Crimson stained hand with a white towel, throwing his dry heart next to his body, she returned to her position behind the line of men. Sadness and fear swirled into her nose, a sick smile forming upon her lips.

Cameras documented her every move, feeding back into the computer system. They recorded all that they could, streaming back to the physician's lap top back in his safe house. Although he wasn't home, the cameras continued watching as she brutally beat and abused her "clan".


Michelle was an odd person. Ever since doc left to get me food and what not, she's been watching me. I guess I shouldn't say that because I've been watching her watch me, so it shouldn't be that weird. But, it was. Shrouded by the thick brush, I laid, eyes half lidded, as I watched her in her reclined chair, aimed in my direction. Her pale skin sparkled in the bright sunlight, the black rimmed sunglasses appearing to be the only color on her body. She wasn't human, that I was sure of but I wasn't educated enough to know what she was.

I just accustomed myself to being a werewolf and that's about it. I hadn't even really known that there were things other than human in the world but obviously I was proof that the thought was naive. Michelle looked so normal though, nothing particularly alarming. Apart from the shinning skin. Shutting my eyes, I called out to the two within me, wanting answers. Not even a second after I closed my eyes, my wolf was already behind my lidded eyes, waiting on me. The girl with the white hair soon accompanied her, lazily leaning against a branch of my mind.

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