Chapter 4

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The next day Kade and Natalie got to the dairy early to do their daily tasks. After a while they found Alysha in the office.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Kade asked.

"You know the usual, filling out paperwork," Alysha answered.

"Sounds boring," Natalie said.

"It honestly is but the stress of the lawyer coming in 45 minutes is helpful," Alysha says.

"Wait what lawyer?" Kade asked.

"I literally sent a text this morning, we have to talk to a lawyer with Betty-May to see who inherits the dairy." She answered.

"Well, we get the dairy right?" Kade asked.

"Did you even read the will, Kade? If Betty-May has enough evidence that we don't get along we will lose the dairy." Alysha said.

"Well, what do we have to do?" Natalie asked.

"We pray we found all the hidden cameras," Alysha said.

Kade ran out of the office leaving Natalie and Alysha behind. He didn't want to think about the idea of losing the dairy; it meant everything to him. He ran towards his hideout from when he was a kid, he would go there when he felt sad and when he just wanted to escape from reality. He entered the milk building, saw that the old ladder was already pulled out but thought nothing of it, and climbed it to his hideout.

"Ben?" Kade said he was kind of surprised to see Ben up there- to his knowledge he was the only one who knew about it.

"I'm sorry I didn't know anyone else knew about this place."

"Me neither, it was my childhood hangout."

"Well in that case I'll leave. I just needed a break."

"No, actually it's okay I just needed to clear my mind." Kade sits down next to Ben on the floor and starts breaking down in tears. Ben wraps his arms around Kade.

"Hey, what's wrong? I don't like seeing you sad."

"Everything, the dairy might be lost to the wicked witch and I just had a fight with my cousin."

"I know I watched a part of it. Next time go for the legs."

"Noted," Kade smiled. "Ben, don't make me smile when I'm upset."

"Sorry, sorry, I just like to see you smile," Ben smirks. "So how are you gonna win this dairy back?"

"I really don't know, Alysha just told us to pray on it."

"That sucks."

Kade looks at the time.

"Crap, the lawyers gonna be here in like 20 minutes and my sister might kill me if I'm late."

"Then go save your dairy."

They stood up and gave each other a hug.

"Thanks for hearing me out."


Kade leaves the hideout and ran towards the office.

"Kade, where have you been?" Natalie asks.

"Uh- helping out with Conner," He lied.

"I don't even care, just calm down and act professional."

"Whatever, just where's Alysha?"

"In the back of the office, getting the will out." Kade walks to the back of the office to find her.

"Alysha?" Kade calls out.

"I'm down here!"

Kade found her under grandpa's desk pulling the will out from a secret locked drawer.

"I got it," She said as she crawls out from under the large cedar desk, "What do you need."

"What do you think the chances of us actually winning the dairy are?"

"I don't know if she has evidence or not, so I couldn't tell you."

"This whole thing is stressing me out."

"It's stressing everyone out Kade. Just go into the house, I'll be right behind you."

Kade walked out of the office with Natalie and they enter the house where Jason and Mathew were already sitting.

"Where's Julianna?" Kade asked.

"She's scouting out the property for the perfect place to set up the wedding," Jason answered.

"Oh yeah I lost track of time, it's in a 5 days right?"

"Actually 3 days but who's counting." Kade, Natalie, and Jason shared a laugh while Matthew stared silently at the floor.

"I'm super excited for the bachelor party tomorrow."

"I am too, Vegas was obviously the best choice."

"No, it was the most basic," Betty-May said as she entered and sat next to Mathew.

"And that's why you're not invited," Jason told her.

"Pity." She said.

Then Alysha finally arrived with the lawyer, Mr. Little.

"Hello everyone, I'm Johnny Little," he says as he went around the table shaking everyone's hand.

Alysha sat down next to Natalie and Mr. Little sat at the head of the table.

"So we are currently discussing the will of Mr. Joseph Martin Holland. As I'm sure you all are aware in a section in paragraph 3 it states that Mr. Holland's grandkids, which I'm assuming most of you here are," He looks back down at the will that Alysha gave him earlier, "Have to be getting along in order to inherit the dairy, or Mrs. Gash-Holland will inherit the whole property." Betty-May smiles. "Now Mrs. Gash-Holland will need to provide evidence of arguments, fights, etc." Kade looks nervously at his sister.  "Mrs. Gash-Holland do you have any evidence to present?"

"Yes, Mr. Little I do," She pulls out a paper and gives it to Mr. Little.

The lawyer paused and looked confused. He looked at Betty-May, then looked back at the paper, and then back at the witch.

"Mrs. Gash-Holland?" He asks, "Is this a photoshopped picture of Mr. Holland," He gestures to Kade, " and Mr. Holland," He gestures towards Jason, "Fist fighting over a rotisserie chicken?" Kade and Jason look confused while Alysha and Natalie try to hold in their laughter.

"How dare you accuse me of making up such a thing!"

"Ma'am, the software you used has a logo on the corner of the photo."

"I have a witness."

"Who is this witness ma'am?"

"Matthew Holland." Kade gave Mathew a glare.

"Yes, I confirm that everything in that photo is true."

Kade looked like he was gonna explode, Alysha and Natalie gave each other a look, while Jason looked daggers into Matthew.

"I'm sorry ma'am and Mr. Holland but this evidence is clearly made up, that means that," Mr. Little looks down at his papers. "Alysha Holland, Natalie Holland, Kade Holland, and Mathew Holland inherit the dairy."

"I forfeit my share to Betty-May," Mathew says.

"He can't do that!" Kade said, He was on the verge of victory and he wasn't gonna go down without a fight.

"Actually let me see," Mr. Little looks at papers again, "It looks like he can unless you file against her."

"When can we do that?" Alysha asks.

"Call me tomorrow morning and we can start the counter file"

"We will be in touch."

The lawyer and the family say their goodbyes.  

"Matthew," Kade says.


"I'm literally going to kill you."

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