Chapter 8

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A day later Jason and Kade arrive at the ranch. They find Alysha and Natalie on the back porch making flower arrangements, while Jadyn was making a seating chart.

"Jason!" Jadyn said excitedly as she ran into his arms, "Why are you back so soon?"

"You didn't tell her?" Alysha said, as she raised her eyebrow.

"You didn't tell her," Jason replied.

"Not my wife, not my problem," Alysha snapped back.

"Quit the petty bickering," Kade said, "Where's witchy?"

"I'm right here, Kadey." She said, appearing from the shadows.

"Wicked, the counter file went through this morning," Natalie said.

"I'm aware, but I do have 48 hours to collect my belongings."

Kade looked at Alysha, "48 hours?"

"Yeah she's right, Mr. Little recommended it."

"Well, then she'll be able to come onto the property during the wedding."

"Well then that's perfect," Betty-May said, "I would love to attend."

"Yeah no," Jason said bluntly.

"No fair," Betty-May stormed to her motor-home.

Everyone sat at the porch table and began to help with the flower arrangements.

"Jason, are you going to invite Matthew?" Kade asked.

"I thought about it and I am,"

"That's great for you Jay," Alysha pats his shoulder, "So is Ben like an official groomsman now?"

"Yep, I enjoyed his company on this trip. He even took the worst room."

"Awww I bet Kade and Ben just snuggled all night." Alysha taunted.

Kade made an annoyed face. Natalie grabbed a few arrangements.

"Can someone help me and take these to the tables?"

Kade stood up and grabbed arrangements.

"Yeah, I'll help you out."

"Great, just put them in the golf cart."

Kade helps his sister load the arrangements in the golf cart, sits in the passenger seat, and playfully waved goodbye to his cousins.

"So what's up with you and Ben?" Natalie asked while turning the wheel.



"I'm not lying."

"I saw the face you made when Alysha mentioned him."

"I didn't make a face."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Fine, something happened with Ben and I."

"And what was that thing?"

"Ugh, I hate you sometimes."

"Just tell me."

"I kissed Ben."

Natalie hit the brakes.

"You what?" She turned to her brother.

"I kissed Ben."

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that." Natalie started to drive again.

"And we haven't talked since."

"That's unfortunate."

"Why are we even setting up? The wedding's in 2 days."

"Quit trying to change the subject, Kade. And Jadyn just wanted everything done early."

"Whatever, I don't wanna talk about it anymore."

Natalie arrived at a beautiful oak tree, Kade saw tables covered with lace tablecloths and roses. He helped grab all of the arrangements and place them on select tables and got back in the golf cart. He stayed silent the entire time.

The next morning, the day before the wedding, Kade woke up, fed his chickens, and went to the old oak tree with his truck to help move some fallen old branches to set up for the isle.

"This isle better look good. I didn't get out of bed early for it to be terrible." Jason said as he was behind Kade's truck using hand signals to help Kade move his truck correctly.

"It's gonna look great, I'm helping," Kade replied, shouting from his truck.

"More like terrible," Natalie said as she and Alysha lifted a log into the bed of the truck.

"Is that the last of it?" Kade asked, clearly bored.

"Just about," Jason threw a stick in the truck.

"Alright, I'll take it to the dump out front."

Kade drove from the old oak tree to the dump and came across Ben as he began to put some branches in the dumpster.

"Uh hi," Kade stammered.

"Hi," Ben replied.

"So how was your morning?"

"Fine yours?"

"Good I guess,"

"You don't have to be awkward Kade,"

"Well, we haven't talked since ya know,"

"The kiss?"

"Yeah, the kiss."

"You just took me by surprise. I'm sorry I was awkward."

"It's okay, I just let my emotions get the better of me."

"Cool then, so I'll see you tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah, you will. I'll give you a ride back."


Ben and Kade entered Kade's truck and drove back towards the dairy.

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