Chapter 3 ~ Dinner

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*Noah finishes getting ready and decides to message Dixie*

•The messages•


Hi Dixie, this is Noah

Hey Noah, whats up

I finished getting dressed
early so i thought of messaging

We literally live next to
eachother, you could
have just knocked on
my window you know 😹

I know, but i also wanted
to see if you are a good
texter, which you are

I am only a good texter
for people i dont have a
problem with.

Can we talk by the window?

But im in my bed and
i dont want to get up

I know, i can see you from

Dont watch me Noah,
I look like a mess

No you dont Dixie, you look
really cute in that hoodie,
sweatpants and messy bun

Thank you😊

I really wish we could have
hung out tonigh but my
family is really strict when it
comes to family events

I get it, my family is also
strict with these things

So whats your plan
for the night

I dont know, maybe to
start watching 'Euphoria'

Wait, do not start that
without me. I also want to
stat watching that so we can
watch it together. What do
you think?

That sounds like a plan🙃

Ok well i should get going since
its 10 minutes to 8 now. Bye Dixie

Bye Noah

*Dixie drops her phone on the bed, turns around and watches Noah in his room. Noah slides his phone in his pocket, turns to see Dixie before he leave but sees her staring at him*

Noah: *opens his window and signals Dixie to open hers*

Dixie: *opens her window*

Noah: I saw a human staring at me just now. Do you know who that is?

Dixie: You saw me?

Noah: Yup

Dixie: Wow umm thats super embarrassing, im sorry

Noah: No it is not embarrassing. If i had time right now, i would love to just stare at you also

Dixie: You should get going before you get in trouble

Noah: Yeah i should, bye

Dixie: Bye

*Noah closes his window, runs out his room and closes his door. Dixie closes the window, leaving the curtains open, jumps into bed and watches Grey Anatomy for the milionth time*

*With the Becks*

Amy: Ok get in the car, its time to leave

*Amy, Noah, Tim, Hailey and Tatum get j the car and drives to saddle ranch. They are now seated and ordering their food*

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