Chapter 10 ~ Drive to School

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*With the D'Amelios*



Dixie: *wakes up, goes and brushes her teeth and bath. She wears a blue jeans with white croptop and a jacket to cover all her scars. After, she put on eyeliner, blush and lipstick since that is all she really wears, spray some Victoria Secret perfume on her self and puts on her black and white airforce. She then brushes out her hair and ties it in a simple pony and goes downstairs for breakfast* Good morning mom. Am i ready before Charli?

Heidi: Yes and you look pretty

Dixie: Wow, this is so shocking, isnt it

Heidi: Yup

*Bryce comes downstairs*

Bryce: Morning mom

Heidi: Morning Bryce

Bryce: Dixie, Noah might be in the same classes as you, i am not sure but can you please not date or kiss him, i am begging you. I really want our friendship to last

Dixie: Ok *looks down*

*The D'Amelios are in the car with Noah. Bryce is driving, Noah is in the passenger seat, Dixie is behind Noah seat and Charli is behind Bryce seat*

Noah: I am really thankful to have met such amazing people like you guys. I have my best friend Bryce, close but not my best friend Dixie and my friend Charli living next to my house. This is honestly a dream life

Bryce: Yeah it is

Charli: Its super cool. We should have a movie night one day, what do you guys think?

Bryce/Noah: Yup

Charli: Dixie?

Dixie: *zoned out*

Charli: *snaps her fingers infront Dixies face* DIXIE!! What do you think?

Dixie: Huh? About what?

Charli: A movie night with all of us

Dixie: Uhh yeah sure, that sounds ok i guess

Charli: So its settled, one night we wil have a movie night

Noah: *Thinking: Why does Dixie seem so off today? Did Bryce threaten her? Nah he looks happy today and not worrued about her. Did her dad call and mentally abuse her? I dont know but i really hope that did not happen. Whatever is happening with her right now, it needs to get better because she can not always be unhappy for her entire life trying to please others* Dixie?

Dixie: What

Noah: Calm down, what did i do you to get such a grumpy reply?

Dixie: I am really not in the mood to speak to anyone especially you today Noah so can everyone just leave me alone and not talk to me?

Noah: *feels sad when she says she especially does not want to talk to him but knows that something is bothering her so he does not take it on much* Oh um yeah, sorry *looks down*

Charli: *Thinking: She treats him like crap and he still talks to her. He is truly a sweetheart, i need to make him mines today before i loose the chance to do that*

Bryce: Do not take her on dude, she is moody

Charli: Yeah her mood changes really fast so you can never know what to expect from her. One minute she is happy and treating you nice and the next minute she is treating you as if you mean nothing to her

Bryce: Yeah she does us that all the time and we hate it

Noah: You should not hate her mood changes since that is something she can not control

Charli: Well if you have to experience it as much as Bryce and i then you will understand how we feel

Noah: Maybe i want to experience it then

Bryce: No man, you will hate it, i am telling you from experience. Our mood can be controlled like i can tell myself to be happy and i can be happy if i wish to so she does it out of her own control

Dixie: I am glad to finally hear how my siblings honestly feel about me *tears up*

Noah: *adjustes the mirror to be able to see her and sees that she has tears rolling down her face and instantly feels bad for her* Dixie, do not take them on. If they do not wish to experience your mood swings, then come by me. You can shout, yell, curse me  do whatever you want but do not feel bad about what they are saying

Charli: Noah, even our parents get fraustrated with her for that so you will not be able to handle it

Bryce: Exactly plus she is going to make it seem like something she needs help for so that she can get sympathy. Dont fall into her trap man

Dixie: My mom also feels that way about me? Wow i really have no one that loves me *breaks down*

Noah: Ok yall need to shut up or stop talking about Dixie because her mental health is being ruined here and i am sure none of us will want her to do something that she will not be able to regret

Dixie: *calms down* Bryce, can you stop the car, i want to walk from here

Noah: Bryce dont you dare stop this vehicle

Bryce: If she wants to walk then let her so she can think about how she annoys people *still driving*


Bryce: *still driving* Hold you fucking horses, i cant just stop in the middle if the fucking road

Noah: Bryce if you stop this car, you will no longer be my best friend and i am dead serious

Bryce: Dixie i am not stopping because i will not be losing my best friend for you

Dixie: Yeah your best friend is more important than me. They always been more important than me, your sister

Charli: Dixie shut up for a little bit. You already have Noah giving you sympathy for your fake ass tears

Dixie: *crying* W-What happened to us C-Charli? I though t-that we ha-had a nice s-sistery lo-love b-between u-us?

Charli: Yeah that was up until i saw how you make people pity you. You have such a nice life like Bryce and I so why do you need attention?

Dixie: N-Not bec-because we are r-related me-means tha-that everyone h-has a nice l-life. S-Some people l-lives are ha-hard like m-mines

Charli: Could you form a sentence without stuterring? You sounding like some who now learning to speak

Bryce: And explain how you life is "hard"

Noah: Ok thats enough now. You guys are going over your limits by torturing Dixie. Its either you guys shut up or when this car stops, i will pick Dixie up and walk with her in my arms to school so she would not have to hear anymore of yall mean comments towards her

Bryce: Why do you care for her so much?

Charli: Yeah she is faking feeling hurt for attention and you are giving it to her

Dixie: N-Noah, i do-dont want y-you to care f-for me

Noah: I will care for you Dixie. Infact i will care for anyone who is being tortured like Dixie. I care for people and thats what i do!! Now shut it and drive in silence. I really do not want to hear a sound from anyone anymore

Dixie: *sniffling while crying*

Charli: She is making noise, tell her to shut up then

Noah: Dixie can make how much noise she wants Charli because the poor girl feelings has been hurt by people she thought cared for her

*They drive to school in silence. Also i forgot to say that Tatum boyfriend is carrying her and picking her up from school instead of Bryce*

Word Count: 1315words

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