Chapter 113

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Dixies Pov:

Its currently 5:02pm and Amelie and i are just watching a movie. We talked, laughed, ate, did makeovers so now we are relaxing and my fucking water decides to break......on their couch. I wanted Noah to be with me when this happens but he isnt here right now so i looked at Amelie, in panic

Dixie: Call Noah. My water just broke

Amelie: Um ok. Lets get you to your dorm

Dixie: Please, get Noah!

Amelie: You gus didnt pack yet Dix. Im going to call him to pack a bag then im carrying you there

Amelie facetimes Noah and faces the phone to me so that i can tell him

•The facetime•

Noah: Everything ok?

Dixie: No. You need to pack a hospital bag now!

Noah: Holy shit. Your water broke?

Dixie: Yes

Noah: Are you in any kind of pain?

Dixie: No but please hurry up

Noah ended the call and Amelie helped me over to Noah and my dorm. He packed the hospital bag while i took a quick bath and put on comfortable clothing. When we were done, Noah took the bag to the car, along with out wallet, phone and charger then came back up

Noah: I will carry her. Thank you guys for the help

Amelie: It was our pleasure. Call us when the baby is born

Noah: We will

Dixie: Hurry

Noah picked me up in bridal style and ran down to the car. He put me in the passenger seat, put on my seatbelt for me then got in his seat , wore his seatbelt and began driving as he layed one hand on my stomach and rubbed it with my thumb

Noah: Bean is going to be born 5 weeks early

Dixie: I know

Noah: Does it hurt?

Dixie: A little. Nothing that i cant handle though

Noah: What do you think the gender is?

Dixie: I really dont know. Im not sure im prepared for bean to be born yet, baby

Noah: What do you mean?

Dixie: The pain, the work and within two weeks we will have another baby with us

Noah: So what do you want to do because there is no going back now

Dixie: After i give birth and is allowed to leave the hospital, i want to go back home to our parents home because we will get help and my half sister will be born in that state

Noah: I completely agree with you. Speaking of them, will you be comfortable if i facetime both of our moms before your delivery so you will get some comfort and they will stay on the phone while you give birth, or after your delivery?

Dixie: I want to speak to them before i give birth but i dont want them to hear or see me during delievery. I want that to be our time. Its the time when we are going to become parents.....forever

Noah: I will mute our mic and take off the camera then

Noah drove me to the hospital then helped me to into the hospital. It was currently 5:58pm when he signed me in. I was put on a bed while Noah sat next to me, on the chair, holding me hand, leaving random kisses on my stomach every few minutes. The doctor checked me and im only 5cm dilated. They said since its my first labour and delievery, it will take long to reach up to 10cm so they will be back in a few hours to check me. About and hour or two, they said, to be specific. I was also given an epidural to ease the contraction pain and birth pain. Its currently 7:14pm

Noah: How do you feel about bean being born anytime between today or early hours tomorrow?

Dixie: Nervous. What if bean doesnt like me?

Noah: Believe me, bean will love you. Its impossible for someone to not like you

Dixie: How do you feel?

Noah: I also feel nervous. We are going to be first time parents babygirl. This is fucking nerve wrecking

Dixie: You need to watch your language when bean is born. If you even mistakenly say one swear word infront bean, i wont speak to you, until you appologise to bean

Noah: Deal. I wasnt even planning to swear infront of bean

Dixie: I know. And remember, if we have any disagreements while parenting bean and my half sister, we will talk it out and see which one makes more sense, ok?

Noah: Ok

Its been about 4 hours now. Its currrently 11:34pm and the doctore just checked me for the third time. Im only 7cm dilated which means i have increased 2cm in the last four hours. The doctor said that its normal to take so long since im a first time mom but i really wish that bean would just born now so Noah and i can get some sleep. Noah is still sitting next to me, holding one of my hand and rubbing my stomach with the other hand. About an hour or two ago, he got us fries and chicken for dinner which we both ate. I know he is tired. He was cleaning whole day today and to sit on a chair, without a backrest for a little more than 5 hours, isnt fair to him

Dixie: Go lay down on the couch bub and take a nap. When im going into delievery, i promise i will wake you up

Noah: No. Im not missing any second of this. Its our first time going through this and i want to experience as much as i could, with you

Dixie: We dont know what time bean will be born baby. You were cleaning whole day so i think you need some rest

Noah: Being with you is more than enough of rest. Dont worry about me. Do you want to call our moms now?

Dixie: No. If its 11:41pm here then its 8:41pm there and we dont know what they are doing this hour so lets not disturb them

Noah: Ok

Dixie: Pull up your chair a little closer and lay your hear on my chest or i can scoot around a bit and you can see if you can fit on the bed. I want your head on my chest so i can play with your hair and we both can take a short nap before bean is born

Noah: I dont want to make you uncomfortable. Stay just how you are and take a nap. I will go to sleep only after i see that you are sleeping

Dixie: Promise?

Noah: I promise

Dixie: I love you baby boy

Noah: I love you tok babygirl

I fell asleep to Noahs head rested on one of my hand and one of his hand on my stomach. We were awoken by a nurse at 12:57am to check my dilation, which was currently at 8½cm now. The nurse told us that she will be back in about 45 minutes or so to check me again and that should be the last time before i give birth. Noah and i talked, we laughed and shed a few tears at the fact that it wont just be us now but we will have a baby that we created with us. Its now 1:44am and the nurse entered the room, along with a few more people. She checked me then started getting everything ready

Nurse: You are exactly 10cm dilated which means that you will have to start pushing in a few minutes. While we organise everything, take a few deep breaths and calm yourself before you start pushing. People make it sound painful but it isnt the same for everyone ok?

Dixie: Ok

While they organsied eveeything, Noah helped me calm down by doing slow breathing with me. This is going to be it. In a while, im no longer going to be pregnant. Noah and i are going to be holding our first ever baby in our hands, for the first time. Im both nervous and excited; Nervous about the pain and excited for bean to be born

Word Count: 1371words

Second chapter of the day to make up for the fact that i didnt post on Wednesday

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