Chapter 125

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Dixies Pov:

Its time for me to go into Mr. Becks office for counseling. Its 5:43pm and Noah is walking downstairs with me. We entered the office and saw Mr. Beck already in his seat. Noah turned me to face him and held my waist as he looked into my eyes

Noah: Give it your best and get better for everyone, ok?

Dixie: Cant you stay with me?

Noah: I know the last time we had sessions, i stayed with you but this time we have a baby and if i bring him in here with us, you wont focus so no

Dixie: Im not ready for this Noah

Noah: Yes you are. You are ready to get over your mental health 100% again and have a high ass self esteem. You are ready to want to live to see bean get married and have kids, grandkids even. You are ready to make me even more happy and hopefully want to marry me. You are ready for so many more things that i cant even begin to list out because i will never finish. I believe in you and i want you to believe in yourself as well. I love you baby, go do your best

Dixie: I love you too

Noah and i shared a kiss then he pulled away, kissed my forehead and left. He closed the door on his way lut and i sat on the couch opposite to Mr. Beck

Tim: Hi Dix

Dixie: Hi

Tim: Lets get this started. How do you feel right now? What are your emotions at this very second?

Dixie: Nervous. I feel wierd. Its strange being in here without Noah and i wish he was here with me

Tim: He has to be with Ryan, Dix

Dixie: I know

Tim: So i heard you started back self harming? What caused it?

Dixie: My messed uo emotions

Tim: Would you mind explaining those emotions to me?

Dixie: I-I feel like my emotions will explode through my eyes and mouth. I have all these different emotions and i dont know how to manage them

Tim: What emotions are they?

Dixie: Guilt. Hatred. Anger. I feel like im annoying, bothersome, problematic, ugly and so many more emotions

Tim: Did you ever try to write it on a paper and burn it from when i told you?

Dixie: No. It doesnt click to my mind. Never

Tim: We wont be long here today. I got what i needed to know today but i want you to call Noah everytime you start feeling like you need to self harm. Everynight before you sleep, come in here, alone, lock the door, write your emotions on a paper and burn it outside. When you are doing that, i suggest you do it alone so you can think more clearly. Try that for a few days then we will have another session where we will sit and discuss all your past emotions versus your emotions at that time

Dixie: Can i ask you something?

Tim: Go ahead

Dixie: Do you think Noah thinks i ruined his life by getting pregnant at such a young age?

Tim: Why would you think that?

Dixie: He barely ever speaks to his friends and go out with them anymore. Does he think that i chained him down to a responsibility?

Tim: Noah loves you both alot Dix, more than i can even explain. Sometimes, at night, when you and Ryan are sleeping, he comes downstairs and talks for a lengthly time about how much you guys mean to him. He doesnt think that and as for his friends, im glad he barely speaks to them as of now because you and Ryan are way more important to him

Dixie: Promise?

Tim: I swear

Dixie: So is that the end for today?

Tim: Yes. Do what i tell you so we can actually communicate your feelings next time

Dixie: Thank you

Tim: Im going up with you to the room so i can meet Noah, if thats ok?

Dixie: Of course it is

Mr. Beck and i walked up to Noahs room. We saw Noah pacing around the room, with bean in his hand, trying to get him back to sleep so i entered and took bean, trying to get him to sleep. I sat on the edge of the bed with him as Noah and Mrs. Beck sat on the couch, after closing the door becayse of the AC

Noah: So? Its only been like 25minutes today which is good. How does things sound?

Tim: She has a lot of self doubt for sure and you out of everyone, can help her with that as time goes on. Her mental health had decreased alot more than it was the first time we had a session which isnt good at all

Noah: But she will pull through. I know she will

Tim: I told her at nights, to go in my office, alone, write her emotions on a paper then burn it. And by alone, i mean even if she tries to blackmail you into going with her, deny her

Noah: I will blackmail her back and not go with her, dont worry

Tim: Well thats about it for now. I will let you to go back to doing whatever you were doing before she came downstairs

Dixie: Wait. Am i bothering you and taking up your time by this counseling?

Tim: N-

Noah: Really Dix? You seriously need the help and even if you were bothering him, i would still make you take the counseling

Tim: You arent. I love counseling you. 1, it helps me know you and your thinking more and 2, i want you to be healthy for Noah and Ryan

Mr. Beck walked out the room, closing the door on his way out. Noah stayed seated on the couch and i placed Ryan on the bed, since he now slept back away and layed next to him. Both Noah and i are currently in 2 locations, using our phones. After about 13minutes in silence, Noah sent me a picture




I couldnt find the video
but i got a pic from it

Damn babe😘

Hurry up and get off
your period so i can rail
you and we can go to a
beach so i can see you
for hours, outside, in a

Are you fucking horny?
Why would you say that?
Who the hell plans sex?

Maybe i am.
Im not planning, im
just excited to be in

Of course you are horny😹

For you.
Im really feeling to go
to the cinema with you
but it isnt possible since
we have a newborn

It has a movie room in both
house baby. We can use them

You know its not the same

I know.
Bean is sleeping after giving
trouble to go back to sleep or
else we could have gone for

We cant afford to wake

No, we cant
Could you watch him while
I go make food?

What are you going
to make?

Potato pie and corndogs

Need help?

No i got it

I carefully got up, placed a pillow next to bean and walked over to Noah. I leaned down, kissed him then went into the kitchen and began preparations to cook. Its been a while since i last cooked so im honestly loving it right now. Its so peaceful and it takes my mind off plenty things. My life is clost to being amazing. I only need my mental health to get back better then i can make Noah and bean happy

Word Count: 1285words

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