Chapter 76 ~ Its our baby!

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Dixies Pov:

We sat in silence in the living room for about 10minutes and heard Noah break 4 things in his room. He isnt the Noah that i know, he is possessed by a devil because that Noah that i know, or thought i knew, would never hurt me

Amy: Who do you wish to stay with tonight?

Dixie: Myself

Amy: But what if he hurts you again?

Dixie: I dont know. I just really want to be alone tonight to process everything that just happened

Tatum: What is there to process? Noah was an ass and abused you

Dixie: You dont understand. For years i have been gettung abused from my so called father and when you all moved in, Noah helped me get away from him but Noah is him. Noah took out his anger on me just like Marc always did. I was also afriad for about two to three years that if i didnt obey Bryce, he would abuse me but luckily he didnt. My whole life is basically about getting abused

Tim: Do you want me to find a hotel so you can go by yourself or with Amy or Tatum or even both to feel safe?

Dixie: No. Im not going to put anyone in expense for me. I can stay with Tatum tonight if thats ok with her

Tatum: Of course Dix. We are always here for you

Dixie: I want to return back to the dorm soon. I cant stay here if Noah isnt going to treat me correctl-

Noah entered the living room with a subway. He placed the subway on the empty couch, grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit on the empty couch with him. I really want to get up and go somewhere where he is not but im afraid he hurts me. He picks up to subway, opens the wrapper and rests it on my lap

Noah: Eat it

Dixie: I-Im not hungry


Dixie: Its our baby!

Noah picked up the subway from my lap and forced a peice into my mouth

Noah: Feed my baby

I spit out the peice that he put into my mouth, since i cant digest anything after being hurt, on the floor and starts standing up to go away from next to him but he pulled me back down on the couch and hit me on my shoulder twice, extremely hard

Dixie: OWWW

Tim: Leave her alone Noah!

Noah: NO. She claims that, my child is hers but she cant even eat to feed my baby?

I got up and walked over to the living room door, leading into the kitchen and stood by the doorframe, bawling my eyes off

Dixie: Do you think it is easy for me to eat now? The person whom im in love with, is here abusing me and it doesnt even bother you. You have turned into a person that i cant even make out anymore Noah

Noah: Dont you dare talk to me like that! Get your ass back here and eat this subway now!

Dixie: NO!!

Noah got up, grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the couch but Mr. Beck stopped him. He removed Noahs hand from mine and sent me to Mrs. Beck and Tatum. Mr. Beck and Noah now stand infront eachother

Tim: That is not how your mother and i thought you to treat a female Noah

Noah: She is being fucking stubborn. She wants to starve my baby by not eating

Dixie: I do not want to star-

Before i could finish, Mr. Beck pointed at me to indicate for me to stop talking so i did then he stopped pointing me

Tim: Are you the one carrying the baby?

Noah: No, that brat is

Tim: She is a brat now but when you were getting satisfaction from her, she wasnt a brat?

Noah: She always was, thats why i cheated on her in the first place

I cant believe this. He always thought of me as a brat but made me feel so fucking special? He is a pyscho ass bitch for doing that. I got up and walked over to the front door and had my hand on the door handle

Dixie: Dont argue with him, he is and will always be your son and i dont want to ruin your relationship so im just going to leave

Tatum: No. Please dont leave us and abandon us like you did last time

Dixie: You can always call me and i will call you guys. Im not abandoning anyone but Noah

As soon as i turn my door knob, Noah runs up to me and pulls my hand away from the door. He grabs both my wrists tightly causing me to start back bawling out in pain as he stares into my eye

Noah: Where the fuck do you think that you are going with my child?


Noah: This is between me and the person who i carrying my child, not you dad!

Dixie: Please dont do me this. I swear that i dont regret being pregnant, i just hate how tiny my body is

Noah: I will hurt you even more if i have to see your face anymore so just eat the subway and go to sleep in someone else room or even a couch. And Dixie i swear on my life, if you walk out this house today, i will turn into your worst enemy. I will do so many un-imaginable things to you so dont you dare fucking test me

With that, he let go off my wrist and walked back upstairs. Is this what is written for my life; abuse only? Will i never find a guy that wont abuse me or use me? I layed down on one of the couch and closed my eye to go to sleep until Mrs. Beck spoke

Amy: What are you doing Dixie?

Dixie: Trying to sleep. I need to get rid of the pain right now and the only other thing that i can think abiut other than self harm is to sleep

Tim: Even though im happy that you arent turning to self harming as an option, sleeping only overs the pain up until you wake up

Dixie: Thats ok. My body and heart hurts right now so im going to sleep. Goodnight

Amy: Come sleep in someone room Dix. It have Haileys room also

Dixie: No thank you. I rather sleep on the couch

After about 3 minutes of Mr and Mrs. Beck, along with Tatum, trying to convince me to sleep on a bed, they finally gave up and allowed me to sleep on the couch and they went to their bed. I close my eyes and try to sleep but i cant stop thinking about how Noah just proved that he is no different from Marc. I stood up, opened the front door and leaned against the doorframe, looking at outside since i cant sleep. The cold breeze hit me and send shivers down my spine. Im really in pain; both physically and emotionally but who can i speak to? There is no one who i can speak to my problems about. I dont want to stress the Becks and tell them how i feel worthless. I feel used. I feel betrayed. And worst of all; i feel like a waste of space and peoples time. I cant go tell anyone that. Im pregnant, they will think that im only thinking about myself like Noah thinks but it isnt true. If it was only thinking about myself, then i would have already killed myself. I slid down the doorframe and sat in silence and i didnt even realise when i slept away there

Word Count: 1246words

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