Chapter 11 ~ Be My Boyfriend?

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*They arrive at school and is now exiting the car*

Noah: Mind showing me around today Dixie?

Dixie: *wiping her tears but they are still falling a bit* You can call me Dix and i would love to Noah but i really am not in the mood. I just want to go in class and sit down until the teacher and other students arrive so i can calm down

Noah: *puts both his hands on her cheeks and wipes her tears with his thumbs* Dont cry Dix, go on and do as you want to calm down

Charli: I can show you around Noah, i dont mind

Noah: *removes his hand from her face* I will see you later ok Dix?

Dixie: Mhmm *enters the school and walking to class*

Charli: Come on Noah, lets go

Bryce: I am going to my school now, i will be back to pick you guys up *leaves*

*Noah and Charli enters school*

Charli: What class do you have first?

Noah: Additional Mathematics

Charli: Ok, i will show you where that class is when we reach there since it is on the other end if the school building. You see here *points to the restroom* Its the restroom. First is the male restroom as you can see it has a blue logo on it and second is the female one with a pink logo on it

*They continue walking until they reach the principal office*

Charli: This is the principal office. His name is Mr. Brown and can be a bitch at times if you break rules but otherwise he is nice

*Nessa, Madi, Mads and Avani runs up to Charli*

Charli: Hi guys

The girls: Heyy bae, who is that *points to Noah*

Charli: This is Noah, Noah these are my friends *points to Nessa* Nessa, *points to Mads* Mads, *points to Madi* Madi and last but not least *points to Avani* Avani

Noah: Hi

Madi: Oh my god, is this the guys you said you like?

Charli: *face paslms* Did you really have to say that

Madi: Yeah

Charli: ATTENTION EVERYONE, I WOULD LIKE TO SAY SOMETHING* *turns to Noah* Noah, ever since i met you, i have been trying to ignore my feeling i have for you because i thought that you and Dixie would be endgame but now, seeing how she treats you makes me want to kill her. The amount of hate that i have towards her right now is unimaginable. What i am saying is Noah, would you make me the happiest girl alive and be my boyfriend?

Noah: Charl-

Charli: I promise you will not regret it Noah. I will give you all my time and attention and never treat you as if you are a peice of shit

Noah: *wants to say no but feels bad to say no since she asked him infront the entire school and does not want to embarrass her* Yes i will

Charli: Im so so soo happy right now *kisses Noah*

Noah: *does not kiss back but also does not push her away so she would not be embarrassed*

The entire school but Dixie since she is already in class: *claps*

Charli: Ok babe, let me show you where your class room is located for this morning so i can lime with my friends then later we will meet back up for Bryce to pick us up ok?

Noah: Mhm

*Charli shows Noah to his classroom abd they sre standing outside the door*

Charli: Good luck on your first day today *kisses him*

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