Chapter 12 ~ She Asked Me

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*Bryce pulls up to where they are to pick them up*

Charli: Babe you sitting in the back with me?

Noah: I think i am going to sit in front with Bryce

Charli: Pleasee

Dixie: *gets in the front seat*

Noah: Fine get in

*Noah and Charli get in the back seat. Noah is behind Bryce and Charli is behind Dixie*

Bryce: So how was the first day back to school guys

Charli: Amazing

Noah: It was ok i guess

Bryce: Dixie? How was school today?

Dixie: *staring out of the window while speaking* It started off horrible then was fantastic throughout the day and now its i do not even know what to say about now

Noah: *Thinking: You fucked up Noah, big time. She is never going to forgive you*

Charli: Babe, can you come by us for dinner tonight so i can tell my mom about us?

Noah: I do not know about that

Charli: Please baby

Noah: I do not want to leave my parents during dinner Charli

Charli: Please

Noah: Ugh fine, i will be there at 6pm

Bryce: Yall dating?

Charli: Yup *smiles*

Dixie: *looks down and is completely broken and silent*

Bryce: *looks at Noah and Charli then at Dixie and sees how sad Dixie is* Do you want to go for ice cream Dix?

Dixie: Are we good now or do you still hate me?

Bryce: We are more than good Dix *smiles*

Dixie: *looks up, sees Bryce smiling and smiles as well* Can you drop me off at Amelie house at 6pm? I do not wish to be at home during that time period

Bryce: I am sorry but you know mom will say no to that

Dixie: Well can you hurry up and get me home please. I am hating being here right now

Bryce: Ok

*They arrive home and everyone goes to their respective rooms*

*With Dixie*

Charli: *runs into Dixies room and jumps on her bed next to her*

Dixie: What do you want Charli?

Charli: Noah asked me to be his girlfriend today and i said yes

Dixie: Ok and?

Charli: *realises that she can see inside Noahs room* Dixie you can see straight inside my boyfriend room from here

Dixie: Nothing cool about it tho

Charli: Everything is cool about it but do not watch into his room too much tho, he is mine

Dixie: Never said i want him, now get out of my room

Charli: Ok chill

*Charli leaves and Dixie gets up and locks the door. She grabs a lighter and razor blade from in a box under her bed, pulls down her pants so she only has an underwear on down there and goes onto her bed*

Dixie: I really do not deserve to live since clearly nobody needs me so if i start today then sooner or later, my body will become weak with it one day and i will die. I cant wait for that day *grabs the lighter in her left hand and razor in her right hand. She holds the lighter against her skin, in different spots on her thigh close to her vagina so it is burning her while she cuts herself with the razor on the same leg, next to where she is burning it*

Noah: *turns around to stretch but sees what Dixie is doing. He runs to his window, quickly opens it and bangs on Dixies window*

Dixie: *forgot that her curtain is open so he could see her so when she hears him banging she quickly drops the blade and razor, kicks it under the bed and puts her pants back on then goes and opens her window* I do not want to speak to you ever again Noah *about to close back her window*

Noah: *stops her from closing her window, climbs into her room and hugs her* Why are you harming yourself Dix?

Dixie: Who the fuck is Dix? Last time i checked, the only name you can call me is Dixie now get the fuck off of me right now

Noah: Do you want to go to a counsilor to speak to if you do not want to speak to me?

Dixie: Get out Noah!!

Noah: *lets go from him hugging her and just stares at her* What can i do for you to forgive me

Dixie: What i want you to do is not possible since you have a mother fucking girlfriend

Noah: Di-

Dixie: Really Noah? After asking her to be your girlfriend infront the entire school, you had the nerves to come makeout with me in Additional Maths class?

Noah: Huh? No Dixie, i did not ask her to be my girlfriend, she asked me to be her boyfriend infront everyone and i could not say no because i would feel bad if she was embarrassed especially because of me

Dixie: She said you asked her!!

Noah: Call anyone you want and you will see that she asked me. I do not want to date her but i would not have forgiven myself if she got bullied for being rejected

Dixie: So why did you allow us to make out if you know that you have a girlfriend?

Noah: Because.....Becuase.....Because i dont care for her like i care for you, forgive me?

Dixie: No

Noah: would you forgive me if i did this *kisses her*

Dixie: *kisses back then pulls away quickly* You need to leave

Noah: I am not leaving until you forgive me

Dixie: That would not be happening anytime soon so you should leave

Noah: I know how to make you forgive me *smirks*

Dixie: Huh?

Noah: You know, lets have fun *pins her to the wall*

Word Count: 955words

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