Dearest Anth,
You touch my soul with every letter and every word you write. Sometimes I can hear your voice in the things you write and it makes me miss you like crazy.. well more than I normally do. I wish I could hear your voice again.. it's sucks so much that you have barely any reception out there. But maybe one day we should try. Up to you though.
I love that story about your grandpa and Harry. They do sound a lot like us. But it makes me sad how things were for us queer people back then. I mean it sucks now sometimes but when I hear stories like your grandpa's and Harry's it makes me realise that even though it may still be shitty for us, we have come a long way since then. Acceptance wise.. I mean we can get married in a lot of places over the world these days. But we should never forget how fragile our rights are.
I would love to see those letters someday. And I had an idea but of course it would have to be okay with you and your grandpa. You know how I told you I want to write my own book one day and how I showed you some stories I had written. These are amazing! You said. Well enough of my ego trip but what if one day I wrote your Grandpa's and Harry's story? I think it would be amazing to create and share some queer history with the world. That's my dream anyway Anth, you can so no if you want to.
Things here have been a lot better. Ever since Drew punched Georgia in the face they have all left me alone. Most of the time it's me and Drew against the world. I feel bad sometimes for taking her away from her friends but she tells me they weren't really that close, friends of connivence and not great people anyway.. clearly. We talk about you a lot too, mostly about how we are all going to hang out when you come home. But maybe that's just a fantasy I don't know.
I don't know if you want to know this but they pretty much insisted I tell you.. but I saw your mum and sister at the supermarket last week. They told me to say hi and wished you well.
It was so weird though Anth, they talked to me like you were away on holiday or something and didn't even ask how your grandpa was doing. So I understand now more than ever how much his care is totally on you.. I hope that doesn't sound harsh but that's the vibe I got from them.
I wasn't supposed to hear this but I did.. once they thought I was out of earshot I heard your mum say; I thought Anth was gay Bella? And to that your sister says; He is mum, Kade is a boy. Biologically at least and she actually laughed. My skin crawled like you couldn't imagine but I didn't let them get to me, you would have been proud of me.
I just kept wondering. How is someone that is so beautiful and kind hearted like Anth related to people like that? It just doesn't make sense.
But I figured you must get your kind heart from your grandpa.. that makes more sense. Either that or you were just born that way. Both plausible reasons.I just miss you so much Anth, I get this feeling sometimes that is hard to explain but it's like great pressure that sits at the bottom of my heart that longs for you.. that aches for you. Is that too sappy? If it is I don't care ha ha because that's how I'm feeling. I want you here with me.. more than I have wanted anything in my life. I love you Anth.
Missing you more than words could express.
Love Always,
Letters To And From
RomanceAnth comes into Kade's life exactly when they need him. The two of them save each other in ways the other doesn't understand. But when Anth's grandpa gets sick he's the only one willing and able to take care of him. So he has to leave Kade and mov...