His True Nature

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 You will often find abbreviations for names!



It was just after 10pm at the Wusang law firm and the lawyer hong-cha-young was still in her office finishing up some research, when her friend and former intern joon woo, who was also in the office until late, walked past her door on his way out and noticed that her colleague was still there, which was strange since she never stopped after work... so curious, he walked in and asked her: "hey hong-cha, what are you still doing here at this hour? Are you working on something in particular? Come on, tell me everything, maybe I can help you... and she answers without even turning to him: "ah, hi, yes, I'm working on the Babel case, I found some evidence that will finally be able to frame that bastard president of theirs...". (of course he knows that she is there as an undercover because after her father's death she turned her back on babel and wusang but no one else knew that yet).

Joo: ah yes, and what did you manage to find?

Hong: I managed to get a flash drive with some very important data on it, there's evidence of several basic forms made by them to several institutions including the police station and I'm trying to find out exactly what's on it but I still need time....

Joo: "ah... come on you know it's not good to work so hard... come on you'll finish tomorrow let's go for a drink..." meanwhile he was walking towards the door.

Hong: "No I want to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible, he has to pay for what he is doing and what he did to my father..."

Joo towards the door and back security so as not to be noticed locks it and replies her : And you are sure he is behind your father's death?

Hong-Cha, who obviously didn't notice anything since she never took her attention away from the pc, answers: yes I'm more than sure, I just need to find the evidence.

Joo, once the door is closed, walks up to her and sits in front of her on the other side of the desk and while he was fiddling with his fingers and looking down with a hand on his forehead he says: I don't think it's a good idea against him, if I were you I would leave it alone, it can be very dangerous....

of course she replied that she didn't care and would have done anything to let the guy rot in prison.

Joo then says in a more serious voice: I heard that it's better not to make him angry (and as he says these words he raises his head and his gaze becomes more serious and intense). She notices the change in the tone of his voice and turns towards him and doesn't have time to ask why that strange attitude when she notices from his furious look that something is wrong and starts to worry, she tries to run away and reach the door, but he shows her the key and says: "where do you think you're going? You need this..." she then begins to be frightened, she starts to insult him by telling him to open the door... he gets up more and more and pushes her towards the wall and looking her in the eyes and with the gun in his hand, which he had taken out just before, he gently tells her that he would not hurt her if she was at his "orders"

She looks up at him, looking frightened (and asks her what he wanted?

JOO: we have a couple of things to work out you and I - while he is talking to her he goes over to the computer and takes out the flash drive - first this is our disappearing act (and breaks it in 2) and then again approaching her he goes on to say: "second I think it's time we accepted our feelings for each other...

HONG: what feelings are you just a fool I could never feel anything for you

JOO: you offend me so sweetie, you know I love you so much I would do anything for you...or almost anything....

HONG: if it were true you would let me go and you wouldn't do all this to me...

JOO: but I'm doing it for us... you'll see it will be very pleasant for you too and trying to keep her still he kisses her even if she tries to turn away but he is too strong and then he was armed...

JOO: now I'm going to put the gun away but you better not play any tricks or someone else might get shot.

HONG: damn psycho...

JOO: looking her in the eyes you say look how good I am I'll even let you choose, the sweet joon or the violent han?

HONG: go to hell

JOO: wrong answer means that I will choose for you and

He starts kissing her violently, ripping her blouse and touching her everywhere she keeps on struggling and screaming to stop but she doesn't want to know. He turns her towards the wall and pulls her towards himself by the hair... he whispers in her ears while he tries to pull her going to "now you're not making fun of me anymore... you don't know how much I've been looking forward to this moment... even if I would have liked to do it another way... "He unbuckles his pants, pulls it out and begins to penetrate her hard.

JOO: I know you like it, don't pretend with me, you don't enjoy it like this with that mafioso bastard vincenzo do you? tell me you want me.... tell me you want more..." and he violently keeps pulling her hair and making her really male... come on scream my name while you ask for more... say jang han seok... do it or someone else will end up male. and while she is exhausted and threatened she says it with tears in her eyes, he is almost about to come to her...

JOO: we don't want to risk it... do we? he orders her to bend over and taking her by the hair forces her to take it in her mouth and doesn't let go until she reaches orgasm and swallows everything... after which he pushes her away quite violently. He sits down on the little sofa in the office and dice: even if the first time with you I would have imagined it more romantic, I must say it was fantastic.. and orders her to join him "come here"

she gets up and with what little strength they have left they approach him...

JOO: come on, sit down, don't you want some cuddle, I'm not such a bastard... ahaha I really love you... and looking at her, he stares at the dice in an authoritative tone: "you are mine from now on... I want you to leave that mafioso alone, obviously not a word about what happened, keep my secret... clear!

After a few minutes of relaxation JOO gets up, gets dressed and leaves before leaving, he looks her in the eyes and says "STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS OR NEXT TIME I WON'T EXCLUDE MYSELF TO THIS" then he sweetly kisses her and says see you tomorrow at work SUNBAE (way to call a more experienced person)

HONG - CHA responds angrily: depraved bastard, I will never come here to work again.

but he responds in a friendly way "too bad I'm sorry to lose a colleague as good as you and it's a real shame not to have you around at work ... but anyway when I want to see you I know where to find you, Bye Baby ... have sweet dreams ...

And he leaves....

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