an unexpected gesture

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 At that point, Vincent decides to go to the jipuragi, despite the late hour, to investigate this situation and the president who died under suspicious circumstances...

In the meantime Joon had returned home, to his penthouse, to his woman and seemed to be in a very good mood...

Joon: Tonight we have to celebrate, tell me what you want to do and where you want to go I'm at your service....

Cha-Young: what did you do?

Joon: let's just say I got a great deal and I beat your dear Vincenzo...

Cha-Young: of course I fooled everyone...

Joon: ah don't be so fussy...I already told you the end justifies the what do you want to do?

Cha-Young: I'd like to go back home...

Joon: I mean what would you like to do if possible?

Cha-Young: I don't want anything with you... I just want to be left alone...

Joon: come on, get dressed up and I'll take you to a place I'm sure you'll enjoy going to.

Cha-Youn: what's that?

Joon: dress formally enough. I just hope we'll still make it in time... so hurry up....

Cha-Young decides to listen to him and goes to change....

After a few minutes she returns

Cha-Young: I'm ready.

Joon: great let's go

they headed for the car, she wanted to insist on knowing where they were going, but he had no intention of telling her so she preferred to remain silent the whole way.

Joon: I'm going to stop here for a moment, you wait in the car, I'll be right back.

Joon goes downstairs, enters a store and a little later comes out with a beautiful bouquet of flowers that he loads into the car before going upstairs and resuming the journey.

At a certain point Cha-Young realizes she's arrived at a familiar place, and when she finally reconnects, she realizes where she's been a long time since she's been back there, with everything that's happened she hasn't been able to get there...

Joon gets out of the car, takes the flowers and hands them to her....

Joon: these are for your father... go ahead and I'll let you be alone with him...

Cha-Young was really very surprised by this gesture of his, and appreciated it very much, even though he was behind the death of his father... he decided to venture a question...

Cha-Young: Why? Why did you take my father away from me? Ok we didn't have a good relationship but he was still my father... and her eyes started to water...

Joon approached her and hugged her as he said: would you believe if I told you that I didn't know anything about it?? I would have never done that to you, Mrs. Choi did everything, at that time she didn't even know I existed... I'm really sorry for him despite everything, I'm sincere

Cha-Young at that point didn't know what to say, he was close to her at that moment, he actually seemed very sad for her in those days, maybe he was playing a part there too, honestly she didn't know what to believe, but that hug was different he really gave her warmth, that warmth that only a friend or a person who really cares about you can give you...

when he left she only managed to say a simple thank you, after which she took the flowers and went to her father's grave to pray, while Joon went to his car to wait for her...

At Jipuragi meanwhile Vincenzo had discovered some interesting things about president ji... first of all he discovered that he had recently taken out a life insurance policy but he still didn't know who the beneficiaries would be in case of his death since he had no wife or children, he contacted the insurance company with whom he took out that contract but obviously it was already quite late and the offices were closed. . so he went home and postponed the investigation until the next day... even if this situation disturbed him a lot, in fact that evening he had a hard time sleeping, he absolutely had to find out what was behind it... and what Babel had to do with all this. So he sat down on his couch, put on some classical music and poured himself a big glass of red wine to try to relax and it really worked, after finishing his wine he fell asleep like a child.

Back to the cemetery where finally Miss Hong had finished her visit to her deceased father.

She got into the car where Joon was waiting for her, without saying a word she fastened her seatbelt, she had no idea what Joon had in mind when he started the car but she immediately understood he had no intention of going back home... in fact shortly after he took a small road that led towards the mountain, it was a narrow and dark road but it did not scare her that much, she was still lost in her thoughts, she was still thinking about the attitude he had just before.. strangely enough she felt safe.. therefore she did not ask any more questions.

Finally Joon stopped the car and parked, it was a really scary place, it almost looked like a forest there were no lights, just a dark path hidden by trees....

Joon: get out sunbae... trust me...

Cha-Young thought she was crazy to trust me, but without much trouble she got out of the car and followed him....

he took her by the hand and they walked along that sinister path...

Joon: don't worry, I'm here, I won't leave you, it won't take long...

Cha-Young: What's with all the kindness tonight?

Joon: I told you I'm in a good mood, don't make me change it...

Cha-Young kept quiet and humored him...

Finally, after about 10 minutes of walking, they arrived at a place that was breathtaking... from the path, right between the last plants, a wonderful landscape could be seen... a panorama made of lights and stars and all illuminated by a beautiful and very romantic full moon....

Cha-Young was pleasantly surprised, but of course she tried not to show it too much...

Cha-Young: I guess this is where you bring your conquests to trick them...

Joon: you're wrong, I've never brought anyone here, I come here when I want to be alone, but this time I wanted to bring you... then he goes up to her ear and whispers: I'd like to make love to you here... and he kisses her passionately, she kisses him back, maybe it's the atmosphere, maybe it's the fact that he was so different that he let himself go completely in her arms... maybe for that night he could forget the monster he was, both taken by passion they both ended up on the ground, and continued to kiss each other, he kissed her everywhere and in the meantime they undressed... this strong attraction and passion ended when the 2 of them became one thing and when their respective pleasure reached its peak for both of them... then they lay on that lawn next to each other in silence watching the stars... until they fell asleep...

The next morning when they woke up they were both astonished of where they were, at first they were rather confused but in a few seconds they reconnected everything remembering what had happened the night before...

Joon: now we should go back home... come on let's go... he headed for the car and she, still a bit sleepy, followed him, got into the car and went back to the penthouse.

Joon: sunbae last night was really magical, finally you decided to love me... I didn't even have to force you...

Cha-Young: Last night was an exception but don't think in the slightest that I'm falling in love with you.

Joon: If that's the case then I'll give you some more time... I have to go out on business now. I'll see you later.

Joon went to Babel where he was supposed to meet Mrs. Choi and her brother.

That same morning Vincenzo, as soon as he returned to his office, immediately called Mr. Ji's insurance agency and discovered that the beneficiary of everything and the successor in case of his eventual disappearance would have been Vice President Park, who was like a son to him. As soon as he learned that news, he went to the Blue Force to follow the movements of the Vice President, it was clear that he had something to do with it, but at this point what could Babel and Wusang have to do with it? He had to find out and the only way was to make him talk and we all know that Vincenzo is not lacking in persuasive methods.

When he managed to find him, he began to follow him until he returned to his house, he also infiltrated his house and when he thought it was the right moment, he came out and pointed a gun at him...

Mr. Park was very frightened and as soon as he saw him, he raised his hands in a sign of surrender.

with a trembling voice: who are you?

Vincenzo: your worst nightmare..

Park: what do you want from me

Vincenzo: just talk, I guess you have a lot of things to tell me....

Park: I don't know what you are talking about....

Vincenzo gets closer and closer to him until he puts the gun to his head.

Vincenzo: if you admit everything it could be that I will let you live....

Park: I didn't do anything, I don't even know who you are....

I'll refresh your memory.... Life insurance..

Vincenzo: I know very well that president ji had just taken out a life insurance policy on his life but that nobody knew it yet except you.. and that the beneficiary would be you.. I don't believe in coincidences...

Mr. Park was getting more and more frightened and trembling more and more....

Park: I didn't kill him...

Vincenzo: maybe this is also true... but surely whoever did it did it on your behalf... it's not like that... if you tell me who you were collaborating with I could also let you go and not say anything to the police... you could be accused only of complicity and not of murder... otherwise you will get a nice life sentence... then...

Park: yes it's true I wanted him dead but he was killed by a certain lawyer called Choi if I'm not mistaken....

Vincenzo: I knew it, what does she have to do with you?

Park: your boss a certain Han Seo made a good proposal to our company but Mr. Ji didn't want to accept it at all and that's why they decided to kill him....

Vincenzo: and of course you agreed that you would accept....

Park: still in a trembling voice... yes....

Vincenzo: well, thanks for the information... I recorded everything, but if you need to testify, we are understood and don't think of running away because I can find you anywhere... and I won't be so lenient next time....

Then he hit him on the head with the gun and left him unconscious.

"Now it's all clear to me, that bastard Han Seok is surely behind everything... now I just need to understand how they killed the president" that's what he thought while he was going back to Jipuraji.


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