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"Oh my gosh, it's harder than I thought!" I sighed as we finally finished hanging up the pennants. "Are we done yet?"
"No." Everyone said at once.
"That's what I thought," I sighed and dug the box. I pulled out the paper decoration thingy and handed it to Chris. "Where should we put this?"
After nearly three hours, we were finally done hanging up the streamers and stuff. It was exhausting.
"Oh my gosh!" I said, slumping down into the couch. "Why does it have to be so hard?"
"Because it is," Chris deadpanned. With a sudden surge of energy, I grabbed the cushion and stuffed it in his face. "Ow! Charlie! Stop!"
"I know it's hard, just let me complain!" I frowned, taking the pillow away. "Why did you have to ruin it?"
Chris smirked and jabbed my abdomen. Well, as you can tell, it ended in a tickle fight. Charlene tried to stop us, but ended up getting pulled in too...
"Kids, what do you want to eat for dinner?" That stopped us. We untangled ourselves and stood up. "What do you wanna eat?"
"Chicken?" Chris smirked.
"Chicken what?" Mom nodded upwards. "I can't just give you raw chicken..."
"Well, that sounds good too..." Chris said with a slight grin.
I turned to him, with exaggerated wide eyes. "What?! Mom, he wants raw chicken! What are you, a wolf?"
"Uh... maybe?" Chris said, looking a little uncomfortable. "How did you know?"
"Because you eat a lot of meat," I pointed out.
"Charlie, you don't really think he's a wolf, right?" Charlene suddenly stepped in, laughing nervously.
"What? Nah..." I chuckled. "But sometimes I doubt he's actually human..."
"Okay, what's for dinner?" Mom cut in, with an awkward smirk.
"Chicken?" Chris said again with a grin.
"Okay, what about Chicken Chop?" Mom suggested. "We better eat before night."
We got into the car and started going over to the restaurant to buy some dinner. For some reason, Mom seemed to be in a hurry.
"Okay, let's go," Mom said, keeping an eye on the setting sun.
She sped home and immediately prepared plates for dinner. We ate our chicken chop. No one was saying anything, but I could feel all eyes on me.
"Is there an elephant in the room?" I couldn't help but ask.
Chris looked around. "No?" He then smirked as his eyes landed on me. "Unless you mean you."
I scowled at him and turned back to my plate.
"Charlie, are you feeling okay?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, I am," I shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Sure?" Charlene said. "Not feeling woozy or anything?"
I dropped my cutlery onto the plate with a clang. "Why do you guys keep asking me that?! Did you poison my food or something?" I joked.
They looked at each other in shock.
"Charlie-" Chris began.
"I know you did nothing of the sort, but still!" I frowned. "Why?"
"Just wanted to make sure you're fine," Mom quickly said. "Because... well, you're gonna know soon."
The others nodded too. I just shrugged and finished my dinner before going up to my room. I wanted to take a shower, especially after the hardcore decorating we just did.

I changed into a pair of my favourite shorts and tank top before plopping down on my bed. It was seven-thirty, and it was getting darker by the second.
I shrugged and went to my laptop, turning it on to play a round of fighting. Feel like venting out after the texts from Dad yesterday. Gosh, I don't even feel like calling him that now...
I clicked on the game and waited for it to load. Soon, I was smashing the keyboard, trying to beat the irritatingly cheap boss of the game.
I caught a glimpse of my hands on the keyboard as I positioned my fingers on the right control buttons. Right then, the back of my hands looked a dark brown.
Wait... what?
I looked down again and saw that the back of my hands were filled with hair. They were so hairy. Like... as hairy as a gorilla's paws!
I looked at my palms, and they looked quite normal. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the back of my hands again and...
They looked perfectly normal.
Am... am I imagining things? Yeah, probably... I must be tired after the decorating.
I looked up at my laptop screen and frowned as I realised that my foe was taking advantage of my distraction. I quickly engaged in combat and with a very narrow shave, won the match.
I almost scorched myself when I touched the aluminium plating above the keyboard. Whoa, this game really heats things up...
I quickly finished the round I was playing and turned the game off. I turned the PC off and closed it. I got up from the chair, and for some reason, I felt really lightheaded. The room was spinning around me as I made my way towards the bed.
I sat down and tried to slow my breathing. The air conditioning was on full swing, but I was sweating all over. My heart was racing, and my ears were ringing.
I looked at my hands and saw dark spots of hair quickly growing out of every follicle on the back of my hands, going up to my arms. Through my blurry vision, I looked at my legs, which also seemed to be darkened with hair.
I felt an aching pain in my head as if needles were piercing through the sides of my skull. I gripped my head in pain, but felt something pointy between my hair. My hair felt fine, yet coarse at the same time. I felt my face and oh how furry it was!
I ran to my full-length mirror and took a look at myself. But what stared back at me wasn't my face. It wasn't me. It was a wolf. A dreadful wolf with a humanoid body. My tank top was ripped and my shorts were frayed. My usually medium frame was a hulking beast. I spotted something hanging between my legs and turned around slightly and saw a long fluffy tail hanging from my lower back.
I opened my mouth to scream at the humanoid wolf in front of me. But what came out was a whimper, followed by a dreadful howl.
My room door burst open, and three figures entered. I turned towards the doorway and looked to see three more of the same humanoid wolf creatures standing in front of me.
I let out a whimper as I backed away from them.
"Please, don't come near me," my voice didn't sound the same. It was the gruffest, most inhuman voice I've ever heard.
One of them let out a bark as it neared me. The one at the front, slightly bigger than the first, blocked its path and shook its head.
The third one, being the biggest among the three let out a loud growl and came forward. I involuntarily whimpered as I backed away until I fell on my bed. The three creatures neared me again, growling fiercely, but softly.
"Leave me alone!" I growled.
One of the wolves lunged towards me with a growl. I shrunk back and covered myself with my blanket, wailing and howling. I felt a hairy hand on my uncovered foot, its claws brushing against my skin. I let out a scream, which sounded more like an animalistic roar.
The hand gently travelled up my leg. I immediately folded it in, hiding both legs under the blanket.
Suddenly, a pair of clawed hands ripped the blanket off me. I cowered in fear, clutching my head as I curled myself into a ball. The same pair of clawed hands snaked around my waist, squeezing the life out of me.
I screamed in terror as it extracted my soul.

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