The Last Night

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We decided to spend the night in our rental home and decided to start packing tomorrow. There wasn't really much for us to pack, we brought next to nothing when it came to furniture. For some reason, Charles stayed over too.
"We will do this together," Charles said, stretching his arms as soon as he stepped into the house. "Alright, is there an extra bed for me, or am I crashing on the couch? I don't mind that."
"You can share my bed," Mom said. "It's a queen bed, enough for the both of us."
"Nice," Charles nodded. "I brought some clothes, I'll help you guys pack everything, okay?"
He gave Mom a kiss on the cheek before making his way to the downstairs bathroom. I turned to Chris, he turned to me.
"This is an odd crossover, don't you think?" I said. "This house plus Charles willingly staying."
Chris nodded in agreement. "I wanna take a shower. You first or shall I?"
I frowned thoughtfully. "Sure, you go first. I wanna watch the second episode of Marry My Friend."
"Aww!" Chris gave me a sad look. "But I was thinking of watching it too!"
Charlene was sitting on the couch with her phone. She looked up at Chris in surprise. "Chris? Korean Drama? SINCE WHEN?!"
Mom gasped as she appeared beside me as well. "Chris watches a Korean Drama?!"
Chris turned red and started going towards the stairs. I smirked and pulled him back. "Hold it, Chris. Are you embarrassed of watching a K-Drama with me?"
Chris didn't answer and just stared at me.
"Fine, then, I'll watch it alone while you shower," I shrugged and started going over to the TV.
Chris groaned. "Charlie, please."
"Come on, there's nothing wrong with watching K-Dramas," Charlene added, laughing. "Besides, I watch this show too."
"You do?" Now it was my turn to be surprised.
Charlene nodded, smirking. "I do, in the library between classes. And it's a good show, I'm always having snacks on me while watching it."
It took me a few seconds to process what she said. "So you're saying... that you knew about the show but you never bothered telling us a word about it?"
"Yeah, like that's so mean!" Chris added. "You chose to keep a good show like that to yourself."
Charlene gasped. "So you do admit it!"
Chris looked lost for a moment before pointing a finger at her. "You said it yourself, there's nothing wrong with Korean Dramas!"
Charlene nodded slowly. "Right, right." She said. "Anyway, shall I join you guys tonight to watch it?"
"Which episode are you at?" I asked. "We're just at episode two."
"I'm at episode four," Charlene said. "That's okay, I don't mind watching a few episodes again."
"You better not give us any spoilers," Chris pointed two fingers to his eyes then pointed them at her before stomping his way up the stairs.
Charles walked in just then and stared at the scene in surprise, changed into pyjamas with his hair slightly wet. He slowly turned to look at us. "Did I miss anything? Sounded like a fight blew up while I was in the shower."
Charlene and I exchanged glances and without a word, both of us burst into laughter.
"It's about some Korean Drama," Mom chuckled, untying her bun to massage her scalp. "Chris joined in too but didn't wanna admit it at first."
"Mom, you left out the fact that Char left us out of it," I said as I went up the stairs as well.
I spotted Chris making his way for the bathroom when I reached the top and he sprinted towards it as soon as I appeared, dropping his bathrobe in the process, and locked himself before I could even react. I snorted and picked it up before making my way towards the bathroom.
I knocked on the door "Chris, you don't want your bathrobe?" I smirked. "Otherwise, you'd have to walk back to your room in dirty laundry."
Chris groaned and opened the door, still fully dressed thankfully. I threw the bathrobe in his face and made my way to my room. Since he's not gonna let me shower first, I guess I'll just sit around for a bit. I took my scrunchie off and pulled my hair up into bun, securing it with a kanzashi before making my way downstairs to see what the others were doing.
Charlene was in front of the TV, Charles seated beside her. I decided to join them too, perching myself down on the loveseat. Turns out, they were watching the evening news.
"They found Freddy among the rubble," Charles remarked.
"So he was killed in the explosion?" I asked.
Charlene nodded, a grimace contorting her face. "He did. He deserved that for trying to touch our family."
"He poison-gassed me," I frowned. "And I didn't even have anything to do with him or his stupid cartel."
"You sure you're feeling okay?" Charles asked for the hundredth time.
I nodded. "I'm fine. I don't feel anything in my throat anymore. It's all gone."
"Good," Charle sighed in relief. "Maybe you werewolves have higher immunity."
Charlene nodded. "We do."
"Where's Mom?" I asked, seeing how she was nowhere about.
"Bathing," Charles said.
I still find the fact that Charles is here as something really strange, like a video game crossover or something. It was like seeing Geese Howard in Tekken 7. It doesn't make sense that he's there, but it makes perfect sense all the same.
Chris soon walked down this stairs in his pyjamas and motioned for me to go shower too. I made a face at him before making my way up the stairs to take a shower.

Mom and Dad turned in for the night, leaving the three of us to watch the second episode of Marry My Friend. It was a continuation of the last, and the main character, Na Ji-young, starts to adjust to her new old life back in her teen years.
"Ah, you remember the husband, he's in their school too," Charlene excitedly said. "And the friend? Actually, there's a big backstory of why she's trying to ruin her like that. It's because—"
"Char," Chris groaned. "Please don't give us any spoilers."
"Oh, sorry," Charlene said, reaching for the bag of snacks we bought on the way back. "But in this episode, she gets a new friend. She—"
"Char!" We both groaned together.
"Fine, fine, I won't say anything," Charlene smirked as she pulled a pack of cheesy nachos from the paper bag of snacks we bought on the way home. She ripped it open and started nibbling on it as she pointed at the screen. "Oh, and then there's this guy. You guys know who he is, right?"
I do since I did read a few chapters of the comic. I also know who her new friend is, but just stopped her for Chris's sake since he doesn't know anything yet.
But yeah, she comes across this junior not having enough money to buy herself something from the school's vending machine so Ji-young showed her some kindness and bought her a muffin. Said girl turns out to be the sister of her future boss.
I haven't read what happens after all of that. That was the last chapter I've read for now.
It also feels so strange knowing that this is our last night here, sad even. But this is only our temporary home, a place that helped us heal for some time. A retreat.
Tomorrow, we're going back to our real home. Our home.

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