Werewolf Vigour

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I heaved a sigh of relief and close the door as soon as both of my legs are in the car. Charlene waved at us before entering her campus and we wait till she disappears into the building.
We drive off and Chris is dancing around beside me, lively talking about something that happened at his school.
"Yes, and everyone were surprised when Dylan actually trashed him in that dance-off!" Chris exclaimed cheerfully. "Oh, you should've seen the priceless look on Brett's face!"
I wasn't really paying much attention to his story, my mind was wandering somewhere else.
Oh god, I hope Barbara doesn't tell anyone else that she's seen me cry. That's gonna bring so many rumours upon me.
And I also hope she doesn't pursue this topic further. What the heck am I even supposed to say? That my father left us because we're all werewolves?
I might even get thrown out of the school!
Chris suddenly started shaking me. "Charlie!"
I jumped back to reality as I realise that everyone was trying to get my attention.
"Are you okay?" Mom asked. "Did anything happen in school today?"
I shook my head. "Nah, Mom. Nothing happened. Just the usual."
"Oh... okay..." Mom said before falling silent once again.
Chris suddenly leans close, his amber eyes inches away from mine as I shrink away. He suddenly touches my cheek and frowned, his eyes narrowed at mine.
He returned to his spot behind Mom and is silent throughout the ride home.

We see Mom off and reenter the living room. Chris suddenly grabs my shoulders the moment I close the door, nearly throwing me off balance.
"Have you been crying?" Chris suddenly asks.
Nuts... how did he know?
"No...?" I say as casually as I could, swatting his hands off my shoulders. "What makes you think that?"
Chris gives me a deadpan look. "Charlie, we werewolves can tell if our comrades are upset. Besides, your face feels really cold. I didn't want to blurt this out in front of Mom, that's why I kept quiet." I sigh, defeated. "Charlie, did anyone bully you at school? What happened?"
I shook my head. "Nothing happened, it's just... my mind was wandering and I broke down while waiting for you guys to come pick me up," I admitted. "And Barbara spotted me, even asking if I was okay. You guys came before I answered, but I don't think Barbara is gonna stop just there."
Chris sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "Charlie, tell me what's bothering you."
I close my eyes and bury my face in my palms. "It's nothing..."
"Charlie, you cried in school, how is there nothing bothering you."
Tears stream out of my eyes as I take my hands away and look at him, my vision slightly clouded. "It's Charles... he... how on earth could he just abandon us like that? What did we do wrong? What did Mom do wrong? None of us chose to be born this way, not even him when he was born human."
Chris shrugged and went to the nearest armchair, seating himself down on it.
"Why leave us when we're just a little different?" I added.
"I don't know," Chris sighed, leaning back. He lifts his head up and stares straight at the ceiling, as if examining it. "But sometimes, I wonder that too."
I seat myself on the sofa beside him. "It's hard to get over, isn't it?"
Chris looked at me and nodded slowly. "I feel like strangling him, and at the same time, I remember all the good times we've had together."
I sighed and leaned forward, supporting my chin with a hand. "Well... I guess we have to get over it sometime, right? It's not like he's gonna realise anyway."
"He's a wimp..." Chris snorted. "You should've seen how he cowered when he realised that all three of us were werewolves. Dude actually fainted."
I smiled. "You guys were the Menacing Trio that scared the bejeebies out of me."
Chris shook his head. "No. We're the Moonwalking Quartet. There are four of us, remember? You scared yourself when looking into the mirror too."
I burst into laughter when he said that. It was true, looking at my own reflection did make me scream. Or howl, at least...
"You're right," I chuckled, wiping my tears off. "We're much better than Charles."
"But Mom doesn't realise that yet," Chris sighed. "Poor Mom..."
"Should we take her out somewhere?" I asked. "Like for dinner?"
"We did that yesterday, Charlie," Chris pointed out.
"Yeah, but... I mean somewhere fancy, like a hotel Hi-Tea or something," I shrugged. "But we need money..."
"I think I have some saved from all the unused pocket money," Chris frowned thoughtfully. "Maybe it's enough?"
"We need to chip in," I said. "I think I have enough to pay for myself but someone has to pay for Mom."
"I think we can handle it," Chris nodded. "This weekend?"
"Sounds good enough."

Charlene soon came home from college and started working on dinner as soon as she came in. Chris and I immediately set off to help her. I know, I couldn't cook squat, but at least I can do stuff like grating vegetables, washing bowls and plates whenever needed, and watching the stove to make sure nothing was on fire.
"Char, Charlie came up with a plan just now," Chris piped up as he sliced a carrot. "To cheer up Mom."
"What is it?" Charlene asked.
I grinned. "We should take Mom out on a fancy dinner."
"Charlie called dibs on going for a Hi-Tea," Chris grinned.
Charlene gasped in surprise. "Charlie, seriously?"
"That was just an example," I quickly said. "I just said dinner but someone assumed a hunting spree like last night."
Chris shrugged. "That cheered her up too, didn't it?"
"Tonight?" Charlene grinned.
"It's on," Chris smirked mischievously before turning to me. "This will cheer Mom up, just you see."
I rolled my eyes. I mean, he's right, but seriously.
Or maybe it really was a good idea?
But I don't wanna hunt those poor animals unnecessarily...

"Jeez, Charlie, slow down!" Chris pulled me off the animal that even I can't recognise anymore. "It's already dead, stop clawing at it like that!"
I howl as I fall over on Chris when he yanked me off. This set the whole crew on a howling spree.
"Stop, people are gonna hear us," Charlene chuckled before letting out another howl.
I tried to control myself but ended up howling too, laughing in the end.
"Oh my gosh, this is actually really fun," I admitted, trying to get up. I turned to the animal I took down and frowned. "What's that, anyway?"
"No clue," Chris shrugged. "You tore it apart so badly..."
"It's either a deer or a moose..." Mom commented, going over to it. "Moose..." she said touching its horns.
"Oh this poor moose," I choked out. "I just killed a moose! I'm a horrible person."
"Yeah?" Chris snorted, turning to me. "Did you think that before mangling that creature?"
He has a point, I have no idea...
"Let's share whatever's left of it and leave," Mom chimed in. "We have a city to save."

We get home after another exhausting night and groan as we make ourselves at home.
"That was tiring," I groaned, leaning back on the sofa. "But that was fun..."
"And you said you couldn't hurt animals..." Chris smirked, giving me a funny look. "Yet you completely destroyed that moose."
"Destroyed beyond recognition," Mom chuckled. "Charlie really went berserk."
I smiled sheepishly. "I really went overboard, didn't I? I have no idea what came over me..."
"Werewolf Vigour," Mom explained, sitting down next to me. "It's common for teenage werewolves to be a little aggressive upon transforming."
I turned to Chris. "How come you're not aggressive, then?"
"Says who?" Chris smirked. "You should see me when the moon is shining in its full glory."
Mom laughed. "Go to bed, guys."
Chris and I groaned.
"Oh come on, Mom, we just got back!" I complained. "Can't we watch some tv first?"
"No." Mom deadpanned. "To bed, the three of you."
We sighed and went to our rooms to go to bed.

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