Cake and Goodies

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Kayla's kitchen was pretty large, with a kitchen island in the middle and her stove even had a hood. Does that mean this house has a chimney?
Lydia seemed to know her way around as she led us in, calmly opened the fridge, and pulled out the cake box. Luna started helping her open it. Seriously, why does everyone think that it's rocket science to get a cake box open? It's literally two flaps at the side, push it through or open the top. But no, they have to treat it like it's mechanical engineering.
Okay, maybe I should help as well.
"Here, the flap is here," I said, going over to them.
I rotated the box and pointed at the flap, undoing it before turning it to the other side. Ooh, this is one of those overpriced cakes that cost twice as much as a cake of the same make from a regular bakery. But I ain't gonna say that since this cake is still rich in flavour.
I then undid the top flaps that formed a handle and pulled them apart, revealing a beautiful cake underneath. Lydia heaved a sigh of relief and lifted the cake while Luna pulled the box away from under it.
"It's so pretty," I couldn't help but say. "Especially the handwriting."
"It's a Black Forest cake," Luna added, taking off the pack of candles that were stuck to the box together with a plastic knife. "I'm sure it's good."
Mmm... Black Forest. For some reason, that sent me slobbering. I quickly covered my mouth and moved away, going over to the sink to wash my hands. Oh please, not now. I'm wearing makeup! I wiped my hands on my jeans and gently dabbed the saliva off my face before going back to them.
"Is there a lighter?" Lydia asked as she arranged the six candles on the top of the cake. "We need to light the candles."
I spotted a lighter on the countertop and grabbed it, handing it to Lydia. Lydia looked at it in surprise.
"Wait, I don't know how to use this sort of lighter..." Lydia said. "It hurts my fingers."
Luna snatched it from my hand and lit a flame before using it to light the candles. She was quick with it too, and that made me smirk. Lydia looked at me, a surprised frown on her face. I just shrugged in response.
Luna was soon done and tried to lift the cake, but Lydia lifted the cake instead.
"No, I'll do it," Lydia sighed. "You already lit the candles and I kinda did nothing."
"You stabbed the candles into the cake," I added.
Luna shrugged. "Sure, you carry it."
Lydia carefully lifted it and brought it towards the living room. As soon as we arrived, we started singing Happy Birthday. Priscilla and Barbara grinned, the former holding the TV remote control, while Kayla stood up with a smile on her face.
Lydia settled the cake down on the coffee table and I handed Kayla the plastic knife with a smile. Kayla chuckled and took the knife, waited for us to this the song before blowing the candles. Then cut the cake.
"Get the paper plates," Kayla asked, but Priscilla was already handing it to her. Kayla took it and started serving the cake. I decided to grab a slice and fed it to her, to which she stared at in surprise.
"What, it's your birthday, and someone has to give you the cake," I said.
Kayla smiled and took the slice from my hand. "Thanks. My birthday was actually yesterday. Today's just the party."
I shrugged. "Still? This is your celebration."
Kayla downed the cake and continued to slice the cake with a smile. She served them up on paper place and handed it around. We all sat around and ate our cake, silently as we enjoyed the rich Black Forest cake. It was rich, creamy, with a lot of berries between the layers.
But maybe a little too much cream...

The rest came to pick me up and I was the first to leave. I waved at everyone, smiling and as cheerfully as I can, and left. As soon as I got into the car, I was bombarded with a bunch of questions.
"So how was it?" Mom asked as Dad pulled into the main road.
I nodded. "Good. It was fun. It's a good thing that I went, no one else came when she invited her whole class."
"Wow, now that's just sad," Dad said. "I thought she's a nice person."
"She is, maybe just not very popular among jerky classmates," I shrugged. "But yeah, it was fun. Ate a lot, Kayla gave us goodie bags too." I jiggled the little bag I was holding.
"What's in it?" Chris asked right before snatching the bag and rummaging into it. "Fusha Rosha, sweets... what are you, a child?" He gasped when he spotted something. "Wait, is that lip balm?"
"Lip balm?!" I gasped, snatching the bag to look at it.
He was right, there really is a lip balm in here. And it's... watermelon flavour? Fascinating...
"Ooo..." I smirked as I started digging into the bag further. "There's a sheet mask too, and a bottle of hand sanitiser too."
"Wow, this girl is practical," Charlene chuckled. "And all I ever got was cake and food at birthday parties."
"I didn't even get that," Chris added.
I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "That's because you don't even go, dude."
"She has a point, Chris," Mom added.
Chris frowned and turned to face the window. I nudged Charlene and pointed at him. That made her nudge Chris.
"Come on, don't be a baby," Charlene said, putting her arm around him to pull him closer. "We can have our own goodies, right?"
"Yeah, we can watch Marry My Friend later," I added.
Charlene turned to me. "You sure about that? It's kinda late."
I looked at the time on my watch, it was only eight-thirty. I shrugged shrugged. "Should be fine. It's still early." I smirked. "So, what have you guys been doing while I was at the party?"
Dad laughed. "Oh, we went to the mall. We went shopping, had Posiden, went to Holmes'."
I sighed. "Did you guys at least get me anything?"
"Well, there was the book you wanted, they finally had stock," Chris piped up.
I gasped. I didn't know which book they were talking about since there were many on my waiting list. "Which one?!" I asked.
"Good Guys," Chris smirked. "By that Clay guy."
"Fleetwood McClay?" I asked.
Chris nodded. "Yeah, that guy. What was the name of the book you read, the previous book in the series?"
"Good Move," I said. "It was a good book. Really funny too. But the ending was brutal..."
"What happened?" Mom asked, munching on something as she did.
Wait, she's eating? "Mom, what are you eating?"
"Cream puffs," Mom said, her mouth full. "You want some?"
I just sighed. "Save me some, I'll eat them at home."
"We are home," Dad piped up just then.
Chris groaned. "But I wanna know how it ends!"
"I'll just give you the book later, read it yourself," I smirked. "You won't regret it, though. It's really funny."
Mom got out of the car to open the gate, and Dad pulled into the house. I need to know what Chris's big idea is.

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