The Full Moon

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The full moon is finally here and I smiled to myself as I felt my body changing, my heart racing as goosebumps ran through my whole body. Dark hair grew out of every follicle, making a certain thrill run all over me. Claws replaced each of my nails and my ears became pointy, my canines turned into fangs. A tail hung from between my legs and my face had become more of a wolf than human.
I let out a howl as I made my way out of my room and went downstairs. The rest were already down, a fearsome bunch of werewolves. Of course, I'm not excluding myself from this bunch. I was one of them too.
I sat myself beside Chris on the loveseat and joined their conversation. It must look very odd, the four of us werewolves just chilling on comfy sofas in a cozy living room.
"So what's on the agenda today?" I cut in.
Mom shrugged. "Hunting, mostly. I heard of an alligator terrorising the east end of town."
I jumped back in surprise. "An alligator?!"
"Sounds tasty," Chris said, slobbering even before the hunt began.
"Chris, seriously," I groaned, giving him a nudge. "An alligator? That sounds gross!"
"Then what, you suggest clobbering adorable animals?" Chris pointed out gruffly, though his tone was playful. "Besides this alligator is bothering people on purpose. A threat to the town, if you ask me."
He has a point. "Yeah, but how do we eat this thing?"
"Easy, actually," Charlene shrugged, scooting forward slightly as she brought her hands forward to explain. "First, you have to—"
"Save it, I don't wanna head the gory details now," I quickly said. "Let's just go get this menace and satisfy ourselves. I'm starving!"
"But we just ate!" Chris smirked.
I just sighed and pushed him towards the front door. Mom quickly barred us with her arm and shook her head.
"Why?" I asked, confused.
Mom pointed to the kitchen. "Back door."
Oh, yeah. That makes more sense. I burst into laughter when thinking about waltzing right out into the streets in this state, especially since I imagined us literally waltzing out of the front door.
"Stop laughing, Charlie," Charlene hissed. "The neighbours might hear you."
Right. I forgot about that. My laugh must be wild now.

The alligator was hunted down, cornered, and brutally murdered. Good thing too, because this thing invaded a primary school though it was very far away from its habitat. Mean creature...
The alligator was large, even for the four of us. I tried to eat more but there just wasn't enough space left in me.
"Can we take this home? I don't wanna leave a murder scene here..." I said, frowning over what's left of the carcass.
Mom nodded. "We sure can... this would be great for barbecue."
For some reason, that sent me laughing again.
"Hey, it's true!" Chris pointed out. "Remember that one time we had alligator bits from this exotic restaurant?"
I do. And it really was delicious. I actually forgot that I have eaten alligator before, maybe because it happened a very long time ago."
"Okay, so how do we pack this?" I asked, getting up.
Charlene pointed at a group of nearby banana trees and went over. One of them was close to toppling, browning. It was clear that it had just produced fruit, seeing how there was a freshly cut stem hanging, so that meant it was dying anyway.
"Chris, Charlie, help me," Charlene called.
We immediately went over to her and helped her, ripping a few long leaves before dragging them back to the alligator. Mom helped wrap the meat up with the leaves into smaller packages, which we tied up with vines for easy carrying.
The skin was salvaged too. Maybe we can do some DIY projects with this. After all, alligator leather is durable. People say leather is bad, but leaving it behind seems like a waste.
So we carried the packages and started making our back home since our mission was pretty much accomplished for the night. Maybe we can rescue a few people around the way, it is night after all. Surely, there's stuff happening.
As if an answer to my thoughts, we heard a scream in the distance. It was of terror, of agony, as if someone was being attacked, threatened for their lives.
All of us got down on fours, running towards the source of the sound. It came from a dark alleyway, the kind of place where even the strongest of minds would feel threatened. There was something bad definitely going on.
We arrived just in time to see a man being threatened by a group of rogues. There were at least five of them, easily overpowering the poor man who chose to walk around solo.
Mom turned to us and gave us quick signals, motioning for each of us to pounce on those rogues. I nodded and waited as she slowly led us in. She went in first, snarling as she jumped straight into the scene. The three of us followed too, with Chris tackling two at once because of his size, and also because they stood close together. I smacked my fist against the thug I was holding, kicking him aside as I stood up. Mom and Charlene bashed the ones they were to the wall, almost like a tag team match from a fighting game.
Chris was the funniest, he pulled both of them up by the hair and roughly pushed them away. He turned to us, his snarl turning into a smirk, and dusted his hands. "Right, so how's the victim?"
I went over to the victimised man and crouched beside him. He was eerily silent too, unlike how he had been a few minutes ago when he was screaming his heart out. It seems like he fainted, not sure if it was from a concussion, or from shock after seeing us intervene the scene. I seriously hope that it was the latter and not the former, I didn't want him to be hurt. How are we even supposed to take him to the hospital in this state? Four werewolves dragging an unconscious man into the emergency room. Sounds totally normal.
My eyes were quick to adjust to the darkness, especially because of the werewolf thing, and I managed to make out his features.
His oddly familiar features.
"Guys...!" I exclaimed as I got up. "You better take a look at this."
Mom pushed me aside gently and crouched to take a look as well. She gasped and fell back in surprise as soon as she recognised him as well.
"Charles! Oh no! No, no, no!" Mom cried worriedly. "Oh no... Charles!"
Chris looked surprised too as he crouched beside Mom, an arm around her as he examined the motionless Charles for any bruises or wounds.
"Mom, he's fine," Chris sighed, getting up. "Let's just get him to safety."
I'm surprised that Chris was actually on it to help him, especially after being on the brink of skinning him alive during my birthday party last month. I mean, he's still human. He's still a victim in this situation and therefore, needs some help.

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