Chapter Two: And Then They Meet

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Chapter Two: And They Meet

Beth heard the rattling sound of the door opening.

Her heart raced and she didn’t dare look around. Every last jittery nerve in her body told her it was him. She felt her skin tingle the same way it had earlier when he had watched her with the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen.

Play it cool, she told herself, and just breathe.

The boisterous noise coming from inside the party grew silent. Letting her know he had closed the door and shut them off completely from the rest of society.

One hand gripped the balcony rail while the other held the stem of her glass so tight she felt certain it would snap in two. It’s just a game, she reminded herself. Then taking a deep breath, she eased her chokehold on the poor, innocent flute. She could do this, if for no other reason than to get back at Peter.

Even though he would never know, she would, and this thought empowered her.

Deliberately she ran the top of her foot along the back of her bare calf, moving slowly across the curve, and then back down. This maneuver must have caught his eye because she heard the gentle sound of him clearing his throat.

She smiled. Maybe she wouldn’t be so bad at this flirting thing after all.

He didn’t say a word as he moved to the balcony overlooking the beautiful Mediterranean-inspired courtyard and the azure waters of the exquisite pool. Although he stood nowhere near her, she could feel his eyes exploring her profile.

Very slowly, she lifted her glass and took a small sip of the bubbly ambrosia. Without looking in his direction she said, “You’re staring at me again.”

From her peripheral vision, she could see the corners of his mouth lift upward.

Then in a rich, smooth voice, he said, “I can’t help myself. Your allure pulled me in from across the room. You disapprove?”

Predictable, just like Melissa said. Let the game begin.

Tilting her head in his direction she pulled the cocktail near her mouth, wearing what she hoped to be an inviting smile.

“Disapprove of you?” She shook her head. “Not in a million. I think you’re one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen.”

He moved closer, but not too close. Then in an amused tone, he said, “I’m not sure, but I think you’re trying your hand at good old-fashioned flattery.”


The smile on her face disappeared and the uncertainty crept back. Quickly she averted her head and stared out at the glitz of her surroundings.

She knew this was a bad idea. She’d attempted to flirt and had only managed to amuse him as she had earlier. Now she wanted was to run back to her hotel suite and bury her wounded pride in her pillow, along with her now blazing cheeks.

As if sensing her need to take flight, he said in that well-bred voice of his, “You don’t have to flatter me, you know. I already like you.”

Looking over at him, she saw a light in his eyes that said he may be sincere. “Really?” she said feeling somewhat giddy.

“Really..” he said, giving her a warm smile in return.

 Beneath the iridescent lights, she could see his teeth, perfectly straight and white.

At that moment she would have sworn he had the prettiest smile she had ever seen on anyone.

          Again he held her with calming eyes, but this time she didn’t want him to stop staring.

        She knew she could be content staring in those blue-green eyes for days on end. The more she looked at him, the more she could feel Peter slipping away.

            “What’s you’re name?” she heard him asking through her daze.

            As his question brought her back from the clouds, she remembered one of the sacred rules. No personal details.  

“Elizabeth.” Not totally a lie. It was her given name. Just not the name anyone knew her by.

“No last name?”

She shook her head, smiled brightly. “Just plain-o-Elizabeth.”

“Okay, just plain-o-Elizabeth. I’m Evan, and I’m pleased to meet you.” He stuck out his hand.

Glancing down at his long, outstretched fingers made her feel hesitant.

Then looking back into his eyes, she slipped her hand in his and felt an instant bolt of electric shock run from her arm to her heart now drumming with an excessive amount of force.

She started to pull away, but he stopped her by bringing her hand to his lips

. Never once taking his eyes from hers, he pressed a gentle kiss against her skin. Then just as fast he released her. Her limp hand fell to her side, but she could still feel the searing warmth of his kiss against her skin.

As if to make light of the exchange, he said casually, “Are you a regular visitor to Las Vegas, Elizabeth, or do you live here?”

“Neither," she responded a little more breathless sounding than she wanted. "This is my first time in the great city, but I haven’t had a chance to see the town yet.”

“We’ll have to see what we can do about that.” He took a long sip of champagne and then fished, “Are you here for business or pleasure?”

  Just keep the game going, she told herself as she smiled with what she hoped appeared as somewhat mysterious and intrigueing, and then responded with...

“You tell me?”

His smile faded, and he looked baffled.

Oh God! Did he think she was coming on too strong? Or had he been disappointed she hadn’t shared any insight into her life.

But just as quickly his smile returned. “I would say from here on out—definitely pleasure. Have you ever been gambling, Elizabeth?”

She could feel her smile broaden. Now things were going like it should. “Never...”

“Never?” he feigned shock. “Well... let me be the one to corrupt you, and might I add you’re certainly in the right city.”

“What if I don’t want to be corrupted?” she asked deliberately being coy, feeling her confidence restored.

His gaze moved from hers to the silhouette of her dress and then farther down to her French manicured toenails. Then dragging his eyes back to hers, he smiled and said playfully, “You will, my beautiful mystery lady. Let’s get out of here. I hate these things anyway.”

Without waiting for her response, he took hold of her hand and pulled her back inside the party. As they made their way through the crowded room, she had to walk fast to keep up with his long strides.

Happily in tow, she looked around and spotted Melissa. She smiled, and then with her free hand she pointed a finger at the back of his tall, swaggering frame and mouthed silently, I’m with Mr. Gorgeous.

 Melissa smiled knowingly and gave her two thumbs-up, then casually turned back to the man who had her locked in conversion.

Excitement welled when Beth saw the red light of the exit sign nearing. This transition guy theory could prove to be the best thing that ever happened to her. She was certain...

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