Chaapter Fourteen continued...

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Evan rode the elevator to the top floor with a set of agents on either side of him as before. With instilled patience, he loosened the bow of his silk tie and nodded to one of the agents who looked at him with something akin to suspicion.

The doors slid open, and he wasn’t surprised to be met by Tanner on the other side.

“Good evening, Mr. Callahan. You said you have something for us?”

“Yes, but first I would like to speak with Beth,” Evan responded on an even keel.

“Miss Brawley is alright.”

“I’m sure she is, but as her attorney, I need to speak with her...” Evan paused deliberately, before he said with much force... “now.”

Tanner hesitated for only a millisecond. It was clear he didn’t like control of the situation taken from him. After what seemed like a few painful seconds, he said, “Follow me, Callahan”

Tanner turned and led Evan along  the length of the corridor.

When they reached the last door at the end of the hallway, Tanner stepped aside to let Evan enter first. As he entered the small space, Evan could see Beth through the plate glass window of an interrogation room. She looked beautiful and tired. The tight line around her mouth was the only visible sign she was under duress.

The thing Evan wasn’t happy about was Merrick was alone in the room with her.

Looking over at Tanner, he said with as much calm as he could muster, “I would like to speak with her now.”

“First, make that call...”

Evan held Tanner’s gaze for a long hard second, and then finally gave a nod of agreement.

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