Chapter Eleven Part II

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The rooftop deck overlooking the beautiful downtown area was equisite.

The lights of the city twinkled all around as if the surrounding buildings had been put together with tiny stones of sapphires, emeralds, diamonds and topaz. Sitting at a table under a heaven full of stars, Beth released a contented sigh.

“The view is incredible from the top. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Thank you for bringing me here tonight, Evan.”

“I’m glad you came,” Evan said, taking a sip of champagne and watching her expression with care. It was obvious to her he was taking in every detail, every contour of her face.

Then sitting the glass on the table, he leaned forward and reached into the pocket of his jacket.

“I have something that belongs to you,” he said as he pulled a long velvet box out of his pocket and laid it on the table between them.

Beth looked in his clear eyes for some idea of what was going on. Then reaching for the box, her hand gave a slight tremble. She really had no idea what to expect.

To her surprise, when she opened the box, her beautiful charm bracelet lay inside.

“My bracelet…” She felt tears stinging the back of her eyes. “I thought I lost it in the casino.”

“I would have given it to you sooner, but I was having it repaired. The clasp was broken, so I had the jeweler put a really strong one on, guaranteed to hold up through anything. Even a night in Vegas,” he said with a smile.

“I don’t know what to say." She blinked hard to ward off the single tear threatening to spill. " I thought it was gone forever.”

 Evan reached across the table and took the bracelet from her wobbly hands, then clasped it securely about her wrist. “I waited for hours the next day in hopes you would come back and get it, but you never showed.”

She looked up and felt the strong current pulling on her heartstrings when her eyes met his. He really had wanted to see her again after that night. Then looking back at the bracelet, she noticed a new charm hanging among the others. An elegant, diamond covered V dangled from the chain, glistening under the soft light on their table.

“What’s this?”

“You have so many good memories—I wanted you to have one of me.”

“I suppose it stands for Vegas.”

He laughed outright. “Actually, it stands for victory. When I told you earlier I thought you were afraid of life. Afraid to follow your dreams, I was wrong. I think you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.”

“I wasn’t always like this, you know. I used to finish everything I started.” She ran her finger across the tiny ballerina slippers. “I took dance from the age of four, up until…” She swallowed back the lump rising in her throat, “until I lost my mother.”

Then putting on a bright smile, she said, “Of course you already know about the surfing.” She then moved her finger to the musical note dangling from the chain. “I also play piano, and not meaning to brag, but I’m quite an accomplished musician. At least I used to be. I haven’t played in years. But I’m tired of talking about...”

“Dance with me,” his words came out unexpected.

He reached across and wrapped a warm hand around hers. “Please.”

“I…I thought you brought me here tonight to discuss business.” She tried to play the intimate situation down by putting the conversation back to safer ground. “We seem to be talking about anything but, and I’m sure I’m boring you.”

“I disagree.” He rose to his feet and walked around to her side of the table.

“You’re interesting and stubborn and beautiful.” He took her hand in his and

helped her to her feet. Then looking down at her silhouette outlined in the dress, he said, “Not to mention extremely sexy tonight, but never boring.”

Her breath caught. Her heart jumped. Her chest rose and fell from her erratic breathing as he led her to the dance floor and pulled her gently against him.

She could feel his warmth. She could smell his fresh, clean scent. She could almost taste his passion mixed with hers.

“I haven’t danced with a man like this in a long time. I hope I’m not bad at it.”

He turned her into the dance, leading her with mellifluous precision. “You’re a natural. It probably comes from all your years of practice.”

“Or maybe I have a good partner who knows what he’s doing,” she whispered gliding along in perfect time to his rhythm.

“Careful, a guy could get used to flattery.” He slid his hand down the curve of her back sending tingles running rampant along her spine. Tangling her up inside. “I could definitely get used to a woman like you.”

Was he deliberately sending mixed signals? She automatically stiffened in his arms and went to pull back, but he refused to let go. Instead he held her in place and moved her body with his to the music. “Did I say something to upset you?”

 “You shouldn’t play games.”

“Is that what you think I’m doing?”

“I think you’ve been playing me from the moment you arrived inL.A.First you reel me in with your charm and then you push me…”

The rest of what she wanted to say was drowned out by his lips descending upon hers. Silencing her with a kiss that left her spinning beneath pure male intoxication and wanting more. But to her disappointment, he pulled away. Only then did she realize the music had stopped and they were the only two left standing on the dance floor.

“There will be no more games between us, Beth,” he traced the curve of her cheekbone with a long a finger, scorching her skin beneath his touch “Not now or ever. No more transition guys, no friends with benefits, just you and I… Friends…”

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