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"Ready?" Nash asks. Alexis nods and grabs everything she needs from my house and leaves.

"Okay, after Cassie's interview, we need to meet up at the church next to our school and you need to make sure Matt comes with us. I feel like it will knock some sense in him." I tell Nash.

"Yeah, good luck man." Nash says, before leaving. I nod and leave my house as well. I get into my car and drive to school.

"Good thing video production is my first hour," I mumble on the way to school.

As I park my car, I look to my right to see Matt and Cassie arguing. I scoff and lock my car after I get out. I know they aren't gonna last. Matt is too good for Cassie. 

I quickly go to my locker, ignoring my thoughts, and grab everything that could be useful for the interview and the trip.

"Hi Cameron, can I have a photo with you please?" A girl asks nervously with her phone ready.

"Uhh," I trail, looking down at her. I seriously thought everyone from this school knew me by now. "Yeah! Sure! No problem!"

She gives me a hug and takes a quick pic. I thank her and she nods, walking away with a smile plastered on her face. I just love making people smile.

"Welcome students, let's start our wonderful day safe and sound. The bells aren't working today. So as principle of Lake Howell High School, I'll be dismissing you from class. Everyone have a wonderful educational day here at LHHS," Mrs. Egloff announces. Never thought, I was ever gonna hear a speech like that in my life.

I look for Cassie to find her walking angrily towards first hour class. I take a deep breath and walk behind her. Now or never. 

"Good morning everyone," Mrs. Evelyn says. "You know what to do. You know your lab partners. You know your spots. So get to it!"

 I walk to the back right, corner of the room. I sit in my chair as Cassie sits on the little couch for her interview in front of the camera.

"Hello Cassie, are you ready?" I ask, turning on the camera. 

"Yep," She smiles while fixing her hair.

I take out my notebook and pen. "So were you, um. It could be any question right?"

"Yep, just say it through and I'll answer them," Cassie says.

I set the camera on and move it towards her face. "Is it true that you were abandon?"

"Yes, I was abandoned at age 8 at Altamonte City crossing at 436," Cassie says. I quickly write the information she said. I've never met such an honest and idiotic person.

"What was the most guiltiest thing you've done?"

"Turning in something for another something but getting it all to myself." Cassie say a bit guilty then smiles. 

"What's that key for, that's on your purse?"

"To open a door."

"What's behind that door?"

"A hidden room."

"That's all of my questions for you, Ms. Smith. Thank you." I turn off the camera and quickly pack my stuff. She's so stupid, I swear.

"You mean, Mrs. Espinosa." She winks. I roll my eyes and exit first hour. Yeah, I'm going to get in a lot of trouble but I have a mission to accomplish.

I feel like a spy.

I walk to the double doors to see Matt and Nash talking. I step besides Nash. "What's going on?"

"I know, that's why! We need to go now!" Nash shouts.

"But Cassie." Matt looks down, playing with his phone case.

"Dude look, she's just using you." Nash looks at him.

"I know, but, I just. I really like her and I don't wanna lose her." Matt says. 

"I hate to do this to you, but would you rather have Cassie, your girlfriend or Belle, your best friend. Besides what's there to lose?!" I ask him.

"I-'' Nash cuts Matt off. 

"Don't forget that Cassie is the one putting your best friend in danger. She has been depressed because you have been so rude to her too, so how is she supposed to be strong about everything. AdraBelle is your best friend that you made promises with." Nash takes a deep breath. "All Im saying is that. Belle needs you."

"So what do you say?" I ask Matt. Matt stares at me and then at Nash for a while. His eyebrows raises as his eyes blink a few times.

"We need to go," Matt says blankly.

"There's our man!" Nash pats his back. 

"Where's Alexis?" I ask Nash.

"She is actually," Nash looks around. "She said she was in a black Toyota, SUV."

"Found her." Matt points to the church across the street.

We all jog there and sit down inside the car. Alexis moves to the back with Matt. "Glad to have you here Matt."

"Me too, I guess.'' Matt gulps, nervously. 

"Nash, I've been trying to get Belle's attention but I have her in action at this moment." Alexis tells him.

"I wanna see." Matt grabs the touch screen surveillance watch.

"Help! Please!" Belle shouts. "Matt!"

"You see Matt, even when you harmed her and disrespected her. Just know she still believes in you." Nash tells Matt.

"Shut the fuck up!" A guy slaps Belle.

"No one is coming for you, just face the fact that you're worthless." Another guy slaps her breast.

Both of the guys put a cloth, from a blue bucket of chemicals, around her mouth making her gag. She whimpers, looking around in caution. 

"Do you know where she is?!" Matt asks me worried out of his mind. Something must have clicked in him.

"She's at Altamonte City, crossing from 436 at an abandoned house," I head toward Altamonte City. "Does anybody know where that is, exactly."

"I do, but it's eight hours away. Since it's about eleven in the morning right now, we'll get there around nine tonight." Matt informs us.

"Here, you drive and I'll get things settled in the back." I stop the SUV and get out so that Matt could drive. Once I close the door, Matt walks up to me.

"I do care for Belle," Matt mumbles to me before we switch places.

"It's good to have you back." I pat his shoulder.

"I've been back. It's just that, I never knew she would still care for me even after breaking that promise we made," Matt mentions.


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