Forgive me

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Makenna was a smart, kind, loving, outgoing and adventurous girl. So why would she fall for someone like Rafe. No one could figure it out and she couldn't either being drawn to him like he was the world and she couldn't stop spinning for him. Did he even really love her?

Makenna woke up to the light beaming through her window. Makenna wasn't really a morning person but she knew she had to get up. "Ugh" Makenna groaned. She would roll over checking her phone to see the time. It was already 9am. She promised Sarah she would meet her at the wreck at 9:30. Makenna shot up from her bed, quickly getting dressed. Putting on the cutest blue dress with white pladding and white converse. She grabbed her bag and ran out the door to her car. Checking the time again to see it was already 9:30.

"Omg where have you been it's already 10 o'clock!" Sarah said to Makenna as she walked over to her table. "Sorry i slept in, so what did you wanna talk about?" Makenna said with a questioning look on her face. "I wanted to have breakfast and then go dress shopping for the midsummers party. But since it's already 10 o'clock we should just go shopping." Sarah said annoyed. Sarah has always been kinda a bitch sometimes but so was Makenna so that's what made them click.

"This is so pretttyyyyy" Makenna said holding up the the most gorgeous Sage green silk body con dress. "That will look so good on you! All the boys will be staring!" Sarah said giggling. "Ok ima go try it on!" Makenna said walking into the dressing room.

Makenna walked out in the sage green dress it fit her body perfectly it was skin tight and mid thigh length and she loved it. "Girl you look so hot!" Sarah said looking makenna up and down. "I know right I'm definitely buying this!" Makenna said in awe of her dress.

Sarah had bought a dress just like Makenna's but in royal blue. They walked out of the store giggling until Makenna walked right into a chest as she wasn't paying attention. "Uh I- sor-" Makenna said cutting her self off as she looked up to see Rafe. Makenna and Rafe never got along they always hated each other. Rafe just saw her as "sarahs annoying best friend". "Ugh ew what are you doing here, come to buy a dress?" Makenna said looking at Sarah ad they both giggled at her joke. "No bitch the tux store is right next door I'm getting it for the mid summers." Rafe said rolling his eyes. "Your actually going to go, wow I'm surprised your not just gonna blow it off and get high." Sarah said shooting back.
"Ugh whatever fuck off" Rafe said flipping them off walking away.

Sarah and Makenna were hanging out at Sarah's house blasting music in her room dancing around and talking about how excited they were for the mid summers tomorrow tonight. "I can't believe that Rafes actually going!" Makenna said in shock. "How much you wanna bet he shows up high?" Sarah said cashing her and Makenna to burst out laughing.

Eventually Makenna and Sarah fell asleep. Makenna woke up rolling over to check the time. She saw that it was 2am, she coughed feeling her through sore from dancing and signing so much with Sarah. She got up from the bed slowly trying to not wake Sarah. She reached the door and began walking down the steps to the kitchen. "What are you doing up?" Rafe said sitting in the kitchen with a credit card in his hand as he had just snorted a line. "I came to get some water, fuck off Rafe" Makenna said with a disgusted look on her face realizing what Rafe had been doing. She walked over to the cupboard, grabbing a cup and filling it up with water. "You can't tell Sarah you saw me getting high!" Rafe said with dark eyes. "Why?" "Cause she'll tell my dad and he said no getting high the day of mid summers" Rafe said rolling his eyes. "Whatever" Makenna rolled her eyes sipping her water and beginning to walk away. "No I mean it Makenna!!" Rafe said standing up and grabbing Makenna's wrist. "Ugh let go of me" Makenna struggling to get away. "Dont tell her I mean it!!" Rafe said squeezing her wrist tighter. Makenna could see the darkness in his eyes so she just agreeded and went back to bed.

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