Help you

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  Makenna walked up to Rafe putting her hand on his shoulder. "Hey what's wrong?" Makenna was worried. Rafe didn't say anything just wiping his eyes and sniffling. "Rafe?" Makenna said lifting up his chin to look at her "Oh uh im sorry I didn't know where to go" Rafe looked into her eyes "It's ok wanna come in?" Makenna said grabbing his hand and helping him up and walking inside, Makenna noticed the obvious bruises and cuts all over him "here let's get you cleaned up" Makenna walked with him to her bathroom grabbing her first aid cut, cleaning his cuts as he sat on the counter.

   "So are you gonna tell me what happened" Makenna said cleaning him up "I owe money to my drug dealer and he wasn't to happy about the bike I bought" Rafe said lifting up his sleeve to show a burn "Oh my god" Makenna was in shock "It's fine I'll be ok" Rafe said pulling down his sleeve "No no here let clean it" Makenna lifted up his sleeve cleaning it and putting a wrap on it.

    "Thank you" Rafe muttered "Anytime" Makenna muttered back "I'm sorry for standing you up" Rafe glanced at the ground "It's fine im over it" Makenna wasn't over it but she didn't care in this moment she just wanted to make sure he was okay. "Can I stay here?" Rafe said looking at Makenna but she didn't say anything "It's ok I can just go" Rafe jumped off the counter "No no, yes you can stay here" Makenna said grabbing his wrist before he could walk away "My parents are on a business trip per usual" Makenna scoffed "Oh-Uh ok thank you" Rafe muttered turning around to look into her eyes. He wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her closer. Makenna go lost in his eyes, for once they weren't dark, they were kind and loving, just like the night of the dance. She leaned in to kiss him, both fo there lips crashing into each other.

        After a long, hot and steamy make out sesh Makenna pulled away. "We should probably get to bed" She said walking over to her bed, patting the spot next to her for him to lay down. Rafe layed down next to her with his back against the head board and her head laying on his lap cuddle up next to him. Rafe had his hand wrapped around her waist, and his other hand running his hand through her hair. "Goodnight Rafe" Makenna said closing her eyes "Goodnight Makenna" Rafe also closing his eyes.

   It was the next morning and Makenna had woken up with her head still in his lap and him still sleeping. She quietly got up from the bed not waking him. She walked into her closet picking out an outfit, a super cute mid thigh dress, with pink,blue and green floral flowers on it. She put on her dress and walked out of her closet. To still see Rafe sleeping, she placed a kiss on his forehead, before walking down stairs. Makenna made breakfast, before turning around to place it on the island she saw Rafe standing there, rubbing his eyes. "Morning beautiful" Rafe said smirking at her "Morning handsome" Makenna said placing the food on the island. He walked over to her, placing his hands around her waist, his cold rings making her slightly gasp. "Thanks for breakfast" Rafe whispered into her ear before kissing her on the neck, "Your welcome, now let's eat, I'm starving" Makenna said before turning around into his chest and placing a kiss on his lips.

     They had just finished eating breakfast, laughing once in a while at some stupid joke one made. "I'm meeting Sarah at the wreck soon" Makenna said placing her dish in the sink "Yeah I'm gonna go golfing with Topper anyways" Rafe placed his dish in the sink right next to Makenna. "Ok well we should get going" Makenna mutter as Rafe was an inch away from her face practically touching. "We don't have to leave just yet" Rafe muttered, kissing makenna, they began to kiss for while before they made there way to the couch, Rafe taking off his shirt and Makenna running her hand up and down his abs. I think you know what happened next;)

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