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         It was the next day and Makenna was getting ready to head out to surf, she put on a royal blue bikini with some denim washed Jean shorts and an over sized tee. Before she could walk down the stairs she heard her front door shut. "Oh hey girl, wear you going?" Sarah said seeing she was all changed and ready to go. "Oh just surfing" Makenna said "Alone?" Sarah was confused cause she never went surfing alone, Sarah and Makenna would always go together. "Uh- no that guy that Rafe beat up last night invited me with his friends" Makenna was unsure on how Sarah would respond.

     "With those pogues?" Sarah was confused "You know that whole pogue vs kooks thing is bull shit" Makenna rolled her eyes. "Plus I kind of owe them after what Rafe did" "Wait Rafe beat JJ up cause of something you did?" Sarah thought Rafe was just being Rafe. "Yeah I kind of kissed JJ to piss of Rafe cause he asked me on a date yesterday and then he stood me up" Makenna didn't tell Sarah about how he asked her out cause she thought it would be weird "Wait Rafe asked you out? You guys hate eachother, wait is this because of that dance you guys had at the midsummers" Sarah said with furrowed eyebrows "Yeah I guess, for some reason he was being nice" Makenna shrugged her shoulder, then check the time. "Shit, I got to go, feel free to stay theres beer in the my mini fridge" Makenna said before running out the door.

     Makenna walked up to the group of pogues they were all laughing and drinking. "Hey guys!" Makenna waved "Oh hey!" The group said "Ooo those waved look amazing" Makenna glanced over at the crashing waves "Yeah come on let's go!" Ki said running into the water as her friends and Makenna followed.

      "Wow your actually really good, better than JJ" John B said glancing at JJ and laughing "Hey no one's better than me" JJ smirked "Yeah Ive basically been surfing since I could walk" Makenna giggled "So why do you hang out with Sarah?" Ki said. Ki and Sarah had a falling out a while ago, Ki hated Sarah with all her passion. "We've been friends since 3rd grad, and our parents are best friends" Makenna said looking down "Wells your way to cool for her" Ki said smiling "Wow did Ki just call a kook cool?" Pope said laughing "I think she did" JJ laughed with "Thanks guys" Makenna laughed as well.

     The pogues and Makenna had so much fun surfing and drinking, they were all pretty drunk, besides pope cause he's a goody to shoes. Before anyone could say anything a deep voice in the back round shouted "So you hang with grubby pogues now" Makenna spun around to see it was Rafe, he was obviously furious, with dark eyes. "What do you want Rafe" Makenna shot back "Yeah you should go" JJ said while walking up to Rafe before Makenna could put her hand on his chest pushing him back "It's fine I'll handle it" Makenna said walking up to Rafe. "So is he your boyfriend now" Rafe glanced at JJ "Why do you even care? You stood me up remeber?" Makenna was obviously annoyed "Well your parents wouldn't be to happy about you associating with these pogues" Rafe said scoffing at the word pogues " My parents don't give to shits about who I hang out with, plus once again it's none of your business" Makenna scoffed "Well it is when your friends with my sister, what did she have to say about this? Huh?" "Nothing, she doesn't care, and also you don't even care about Sarah!" Makenna shoved Rafe.

        About 20 minutes later of Rafe and Makenna still arguing and once and while shoving each other, JJ spoke up "Rafe you should just really go" JJ stepped between them "And what are you gonna do about it" Rafe scoffed, Before JJ said anything he through the first punch.

      A little while later after many punches being thrown back and fourth, Makenna finally got them to stop. "JUST GO RAFE!" Makenna yelled in Rafes face "NOW!" Makenna yelled again. Rafe finally just scoffed and walked away. "What the fuck JJ?" Makenna was annoyed "What he started it!" JJ said wiping his face "I said I had it handled" "Yeah hand it handled, but you mean just arguing for ever" JJ put quotation marks with his fingers around had it handled. "Alright guys just stop, arguing anymore isn't going to do anything!" John B said shouting over there voices "Yeah he's right" Pope and Ki said.

     After the pogues had reconciled and were hanging out till dark Makenna said that she should start heading home, which she did. When she finally got home she walked up to the front door to see Rafe sitting on her door step, he was huddled up in a Baal obviously crying, but Makenna didn't know why. For some reason she was concerned and worried, even though Rafe had been a dick. She didn't care In that moment.

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