The Dance

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   Makenna and Sarah both woke up around 8am so excited for tonight. They had been planning all day finally rolling around to the time to get ready. "Omg you look so pretty girl!!" Sarah said while applying your makeup and stepping back to look. "Really? I feel weird I never wear makeup" Makenna said unsure. "No you look amazing!!" Sarah said with a giant smile. "So do you girl look at you! Stunning!" Makenna said looking Sarah up and down.

    The girls had arrived at the midsummers everyone stopping and staring looking at Sarah and Makenna, they definitely recognized there beauty. "Why is everyone staring?" Makenna said looking at Sarah nervously. "Cause were fucking hot" Sarah stated linking her arm with Makenna's and walking to the dance floor. "Come on let's dance!" Sarah shouted over the music. Makenna began to dance nervously and awkwardly. She saw Topper walking over. "I'm going to get a drink i need Atleast a shot to be able to dance!" Makenna said chuckling and walked away to the bar looking back to see Sarah and Topper dancing.

"One shot of tequila please!" Makenna asked the bartender. She was obviously underage but the bartender didn't care seeing her beauty. "Here you are pretty lady" the bartender said sliding her the shot. Makenna quickly shot the harsh tequila down her throat as it burned. "That was hot" a blonde boy stated. "What the fuck do you want Rafe?" Makenna shot back. "Wow only an hour in and already drinking and being a bitch, nice!" Rafe rolled his eyes. "Wait!" Rafe said grabbing her wrist. "Look I'm really sorry about how I acted last night. I was high and didn't mean it." Rafe said looking into her eyes. For once they weren't dark they were soft and kind. "Why are you saying this? Your always a dick with no remourse?" Makenna said confused. "Do you wanna dance?" Rafe pulled her to the dance floor, wrapping his hands around her waist slow dancing. Makenna didn't know why he was being so nice and she didn't know why she liked it so much, she saw a side of she she never had before.

They slow danced for about an hour. She had her head rested against his shoulder and his hands around his waist. "Wow i sight i never though i'd see" a voice Makenna has recognized before. Makenna turned around to see Sarah standing there. "I-I-Uh" for some reason Makenna couldn't find the right words she knew it didn't mean anything but she wanted it to. "May i have a dance?" Sarah said grabbing her wrist and pulling her from Rafes grip that was over her waist. "Yeah whatever." Rafe rolled his eyes being annoyed by his bitchy little sister. "Why the hell were you dancing with that dick?" Sarah was so confused. "I don't know he was being nice for some reason, and I don't know why I'd didn't say know but I didn't" Makenna was shocked to. "Whatever let's just enjoy this and dance!" Sarah and Makenna began dancing like no body was watching. Rafe couldn't stop himself from staring at her in that skin tight green dress that fit her perfectly.

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