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  "What the actual fuck are you doing here Rafe?" Makenna says harshly "You can't just keep coming in and out of my life like a fucking train station.... It hurts" Makenna's voice began's to shake Holding back tears. "I'm sorry" Rafe looks to the floor "That's all you have to say? Wow" Makenna was pissed "Just fucking go Rafe I don't wanna see you EVER AGAIN!" She points to the door that he came in.

       "Makenna please just listen to what I have to say...please just give me five minutes" Rafe begs "You have five minutes I'm counting" Makenna looks at her watch not sure why she said yes "I-I didn't mean what I did to you,  that night I got a call from my dad and he said you could never want me and you only wanted me for the money, I-" Rafe gets cut off "Oh stop blaming all your shit on your daddy issues... you hurt me with no remorse, I couldn't eat, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't leave my house for weeks... and when I try to actually go out and do something you and your friends have to ruin it" Tears run down her face, quickly using the back of her hand to wipe them before he notices.

   "I know what I did was wrong Makenna but I love you Makenna" Rafes eyes go soft looking into hers "Makenna's eyes go wide not sure how to respond, her heart sped up, she loved him to and she knew it "I love you to Rafe" Makenna begins "But loving you hurts and I don't know if I can handle it again" "Handle what again?" He questions "You hurting me, leaving me again, I felt physically Ill I cant do that again, I won't" Tears flood down her face "I won't, I promise" Rafe is tense he cant loose her, what she didn't know is that him too, cutting her off broke him more than she even thought "You promised you would never leave me remember?" Her voice shakes "Can we Atleast try and start over? Please, Makenna" Rafe is desperatere he needs her in his life, she's is home, she's the one to finish his puzzle and he's been missing that one piece.

   "I-I don't-" Makenna try's "Please" Rafe begs "Fine" Makenna doesn't know why she gave in, well she does because she fucking loves him more than herself "Ok thank you Makenna I promise I won't hurt you again" He promises "And for your information Rafe I was never in love with you for the money, well cause obviously I'm fucking rich, I truly loved you.... I still do, which is the only reason I'm saying yes" "I know my dad gets in my head, and I don't know why I even listen to him" Tears run down Rafes face. Makenna walks up to him wrapping her hand around his neck bringing him close to her. He begans to sob into her chest, wrapping his hands around her waist pulling her tighter.

     "I- I can't take him anymore" Rafe voices shake, still sobbing into Makenna's chest "I know" She didn't know what to say "It's gonna be ok" Makenna rubs his back, comforting him. "Thank you" Rafe sniffles "For what?" "For forgiving me and being here for me even everything I've put you through" Rafe pulls away, cupping her chin to look up at him "It's fine" Makenna leans in to kiss him, Rafe pulls away "As much as I wanna kiss you right now, that's how we started last time, and I want this time to be different" Rafe kisses her forehead "Ok do you gonna ask me out on a date or what?" Makenna smirks.

    "Makenna Whitlock will you go on a date with me?" Rafe smiles down at her "Oh I don't know" Makenna jokingly rolls her eyes "I-oh" Rafe looks disappointed " I'm just kidding I would love to go on a date with you Rafe Cameron" She smiles "Wonderful, pick you up at 7, tomorrow?" He questions "Sounds good"

Now that Rafe had left Makenna's house about an hour ago and Makenna has been able to dwindle on her thoughts. She starts questioning her self and why she said yes. Makenna was sitting on the couch channel surfing for something to watch, even though she didn't really wanna watch anything, while she was searching her phone vibrates, it's Sarah. "Hey sarah" Makenna answers "You need to get to hospital ASAP" Sarah's voice is shaky "What why?" Makenna was confused "It's Rafe"  Sarah say's before Makenna hangs up and slips on her shoes running out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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